Fyn Proto-Oncogene, Src Family Tyrosine Kinase
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000011851
Gene Symbol: FYN
57 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
276 Possible Orthologues:
G Protein-Coupled Receptor 119
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000014770
Gene Symbol: GPR119
5 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
187 Possible Orthologues:
Hck Proto-Oncogene, Src Family Tyrosine Kinase
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000007932
Gene Symbol: HCK
7 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
218 Possible Orthologues:
Il2 Inducible T Cell Kinase
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000000306
Gene Symbol: ITK
7 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
219 Possible Orthologues:
Janus Kinase 1
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000003147
Gene Symbol: JAK1
38 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
250 Possible Orthologues:
Janus Kinase 3
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000020904
Gene Symbol: JAK3
19 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
115 Possible Orthologues:
Kit Proto-Oncogene, Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000002699
Gene Symbol: KIT
11 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
222 Possible Orthologues:
Kras Proto-Oncogene, Gtpase
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000009778
Gene Symbol: KRAS
81 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
215 Possible Orthologues:
Lck Proto-Oncogene, Src Family Tyrosine Kinase
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000012695
Gene Symbol: LCK
39 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
132 Possible Orthologues:
Lyn Proto-Oncogene, Src Family Tyrosine Kinase
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000020034
Gene Symbol: LYN
46 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
209 Possible Orthologues:
Malt1 Paracaspase
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000027916
Gene Symbol: MALT1
13 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
209 Possible Orthologues:
Mapk Activated Protein Kinase 2
Ensembl ID : ENSBTAG00000038107
Gene Symbol: MAPKAPK2
53 Enzyme and pathways 5 Cross references
251 Possible Orthologues: