Gene: AVPR1A
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000166148
Description: arginine vasopressin receptor 1A
Gene Synonyms: AVPR1
8 APIs:
268 Possible Orthologues:

GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Disease R-HSA-1643685
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Disease R-HSA-1643685
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Disease R-HSA-1643685
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Disease R-HSA-1643685
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076

Expression Atlas ENSG00000166148
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 552
GeneCards 895
HGNC Symbol HGNC:895
MIM gene 600821
UniProtKB Gene Name X5D2B0
WikiGene 552
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000109163
Description: gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor
Gene Synonyms: GRHR,LHRHR
23 APIs:
242 Possible Orthologues:

Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Hormone ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375281
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Hormone ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375281
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Hormone ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375281
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Hormone ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375281
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Hormone ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375281
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Hormone ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375281
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Hormone ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375281
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Hormone ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375281
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Hormone ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375281
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Hormone ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375281
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Hormone ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375281
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076

Expression Atlas ENSG00000109163
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 2798
GeneCards 4421
HGNC Symbol HGNC:4421
MIM gene 138850
MIM morbid 146110
UniProtKB Gene Name P30968
WikiGene 2798
Gene: BDKRB1
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000100739
Description: bradykinin receptor B1
Gene Synonyms: B1BKR,BKR1,BRADYB1
3 APIs:
149 Possible Orthologues:

Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396

Expression Atlas ENSG00000100739
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 623
GeneCards 1029
HGNC Symbol HGNC:1029
MIM gene 600337
UniProtKB Gene Name P46663
WikiGene 623
Gene: NPY4R
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000204174
Description: neuropeptide Y receptor Y4
Gene Synonyms: PP1,PPYR1,Y4
1 APIs:
115 Possible Orthologues:

Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582

Expression Atlas ENSG00000204174
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 5540
GeneCards 9329
HGNC Symbol HGNC:9329
MIM gene 601790
UniProtKB Gene Name P50391
WikiGene 5540
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000136160
Description: endothelin receptor type B
Gene Synonyms: ETB,HSCR,HSCR2
4 APIs:
267 Possible Orthologues:

Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790

Expression Atlas ENSG00000136160
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 1910
GeneCards 3180
HGNC Symbol HGNC:3180
MIM gene 131244
MIM morbid 600501
UniProtKB Gene Name P24530
WikiGene 1910
Gene: SSTR2
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000180616
Description: somatostatin receptor 2
Gene Synonyms:
7 APIs:
264 Possible Orthologues:

Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582

Expression Atlas ENSG00000180616
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 6752
GeneCards 11331
HGNC Symbol HGNC:11331
MIM gene 182452
UniProtKB Gene Name P30874
WikiGene 6752
Gene: TACR2
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000075073
Description: tachykinin receptor 2
Gene Synonyms: NK2R,NKNAR,SKR,TAC2R
2 APIs:
200 Possible Orthologues:

Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Tachykinin receptors bind tachykinins R-HSA-380095
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Tachykinin receptors bind tachykinins R-HSA-380095
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Tachykinin receptors bind tachykinins R-HSA-380095
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Tachykinin receptors bind tachykinins R-HSA-380095
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Tachykinin receptors bind tachykinins R-HSA-380095
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Tachykinin receptors bind tachykinins R-HSA-380095
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Tachykinin receptors bind tachykinins R-HSA-380095
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Tachykinin receptors bind tachykinins R-HSA-380095
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Tachykinin receptors bind tachykinins R-HSA-380095
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Tachykinin receptors bind tachykinins R-HSA-380095
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476

Expression Atlas ENSG00000075073
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 6865
GeneCards 11527
HGNC Symbol HGNC:11527
MIM gene 162321
UniProtKB Gene Name P21452
WikiGene 6865
Gene: AGTR1
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000144891
Description: angiotensin II receptor type 1
16 APIs:
214 Possible Orthologues:

Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856828
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856825
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856828
Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856825
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856828
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856825
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856828
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856825
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856828
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856825
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856825
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856828
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856828
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856825
Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856825
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856828
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856828
Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis R-HSA-8856825
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476

Expression Atlas ENSG00000144891
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 185
GeneCards 336
HGNC Symbol HGNC:336
MIM gene 106165
MIM morbid 267430
UniProtKB Gene Name Q53YY0
WikiGene 185