Ensembl ID : ENSG00000132965
Description: arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase activating protein
Gene Synonyms: FLAP
3 APIs:
201 Possible Orthologues:

Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833

Expression Atlas ENSG00000132965
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 241
GeneCards 436
HGNC Symbol HGNC:436
MIM gene 603700
MIM morbid 601367
UniProtKB Gene Name P20292
WikiGene 241
Gene: HTR1A
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000178394
Description: 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1A
Gene Synonyms: 5-HT1A,ADRB2RL1,ADRBRL1
26 APIs:
150 Possible Orthologues:

GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076

Expression Atlas ENSG00000178394
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 3350
GeneCards 5286
HGNC Symbol HGNC:5286
MIM gene 109760
MIM morbid 614674
UniProtKB Gene Name Q5ZGX3
WikiGene 3350
Gene: RPL14
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000188846
Description: ribosomal protein L14
Gene Synonyms: CTG-B33,HRL14,L14,RL14
4 APIs:
234 Possible Orthologues:

SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Translation R-HSA-72766
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Translation R-HSA-72766
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Translation R-HSA-72766
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Translation R-HSA-72766
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Disease R-HSA-1643685
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Translation R-HSA-72766
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Translation R-HSA-72766
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Translation R-HSA-72766
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Translation R-HSA-72766
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Disease R-HSA-1643685
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Translation R-HSA-72766
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Translation R-HSA-72766
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Translation R-HSA-72766
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738

Expression Atlas ENSG00000188846
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 9045
GeneCards 10305
HGNC Symbol HGNC:10305
MIM gene 617414
UniProtKB Gene Name P50914
WikiGene 9045
Gene: MAPT
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000186868
Description: microtubule associated protein tau
5 APIs:
226 Possible Orthologues:

Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Programmed Cell Death R-HSA-5357801
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins R-HSA-264870
Post NMDA receptor activation events R-HSA-438064
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Activation of AMPK downstream of NMDARs R-HSA-9619483
Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins R-HSA-111465
Activation of NMDA receptors and postsynaptic events R-HSA-442755
Apoptosis R-HSA-109581
Apoptotic execution phase R-HSA-75153
Apoptosis R-HSA-109581
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Activation of NMDA receptors and postsynaptic events R-HSA-442755
Activation of AMPK downstream of NMDARs R-HSA-9619483
Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins R-HSA-111465
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins R-HSA-264870
Apoptotic execution phase R-HSA-75153
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Post NMDA receptor activation events R-HSA-438064
Programmed Cell Death R-HSA-5357801
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Apoptosis R-HSA-109581
Activation of AMPK downstream of NMDARs R-HSA-9619483
Programmed Cell Death R-HSA-5357801
Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins R-HSA-111465
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins R-HSA-264870
Activation of NMDA receptors and postsynaptic events R-HSA-442755
Post NMDA receptor activation events R-HSA-438064
Apoptotic execution phase R-HSA-75153
Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins R-HSA-111465
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Post NMDA receptor activation events R-HSA-438064
Activation of NMDA receptors and postsynaptic events R-HSA-442755
Apoptosis R-HSA-109581
Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins R-HSA-264870
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Activation of AMPK downstream of NMDARs R-HSA-9619483
Programmed Cell Death R-HSA-5357801
Apoptotic execution phase R-HSA-75153
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Post NMDA receptor activation events R-HSA-438064
Programmed Cell Death R-HSA-5357801
Activation of AMPK downstream of NMDARs R-HSA-9619483
Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins R-HSA-111465
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Apoptosis R-HSA-109581
Apoptotic execution phase R-HSA-75153
Activation of NMDA receptors and postsynaptic events R-HSA-442755
Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins R-HSA-264870
Programmed Cell Death R-HSA-5357801
Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins R-HSA-111465
Activation of NMDA receptors and postsynaptic events R-HSA-442755
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Apoptosis R-HSA-109581
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Activation of AMPK downstream of NMDARs R-HSA-9619483
Post NMDA receptor activation events R-HSA-438064
Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins R-HSA-264870
Apoptotic execution phase R-HSA-75153
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Apoptosis R-HSA-109581
Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins R-HSA-111465
Activation of AMPK downstream of NMDARs R-HSA-9619483
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Programmed Cell Death R-HSA-5357801
Apoptotic execution phase R-HSA-75153
Activation of NMDA receptors and postsynaptic events R-HSA-442755
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Post NMDA receptor activation events R-HSA-438064
Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins R-HSA-264870
Activation of AMPK downstream of NMDARs R-HSA-9619483
Apoptosis R-HSA-109581
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins R-HSA-111465
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Activation of NMDA receptors and postsynaptic events R-HSA-442755
Post NMDA receptor activation events R-HSA-438064
Apoptotic execution phase R-HSA-75153
Programmed Cell Death R-HSA-5357801
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins R-HSA-264870
Post NMDA receptor activation events R-HSA-438064
Apoptotic execution phase R-HSA-75153
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Activation of NMDA receptors and postsynaptic events R-HSA-442755
Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins R-HSA-264870
Apoptosis R-HSA-109581
Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins R-HSA-111465
Programmed Cell Death R-HSA-5357801
Activation of AMPK downstream of NMDARs R-HSA-9619483
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Caspase-mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins R-HSA-264870
Post NMDA receptor activation events R-HSA-438064
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Activation of AMPK downstream of NMDARs R-HSA-9619483
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Apoptosis R-HSA-109581
Programmed Cell Death R-HSA-5357801
Activation of NMDA receptors and postsynaptic events R-HSA-442755
Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins R-HSA-111465
Apoptotic execution phase R-HSA-75153

Expression Atlas ENSG00000186868
LRG display in Ensembl gene LRG_660
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 4137
GeneCards 6893
HGNC Symbol HGNC:6893
MIM gene 157140
MIM morbid 601104
UniProtKB Gene Name P10636
WikiGene 4137
Gene: RPS10
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000124614
Description: ribosomal protein S10
Gene Synonyms: MGC88819,S10
4 APIs:
196 Possible Orthologues:

SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Translation R-HSA-72766
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Translation R-HSA-72766
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Translation R-HSA-72766
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Translation R-HSA-72766
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Translation R-HSA-72766
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Translation R-HSA-72766
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Translation R-HSA-72766
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Translation R-HSA-72766
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Disease R-HSA-1643685
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Translation R-HSA-72766
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Disease R-HSA-1643685
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Translation R-HSA-72766

Expression Atlas ENSG00000124614
LRG display in Ensembl gene LRG_1138
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 6204
GeneCards 10383
HGNC Symbol HGNC:10383
MIM gene 603632
MIM morbid 613308
UniProtKB Gene Name P46783
WikiGene 6204
Gene: PTGS2
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000073756
Description: prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2
Gene Synonyms: COX2
73 APIs:
240 Possible Orthologues:

Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Nicotinamide salvaging R-HSA-197264
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives R-HSA-2142770
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Interleukin-10 signaling R-HSA-6783783
Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196849
Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196854
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Nicotinate metabolism R-HSA-196807
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) R-HSA-2162123
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) R-HSA-2162123
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Interleukin-10 signaling R-HSA-6783783
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196854
Nicotinamide salvaging R-HSA-197264
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives R-HSA-2142770
Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196849
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Nicotinate metabolism R-HSA-196807
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Interleukin-10 signaling R-HSA-6783783
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Nicotinamide salvaging R-HSA-197264
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) R-HSA-2162123
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives R-HSA-2142770
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Nicotinate metabolism R-HSA-196807
Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196849
Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196854
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Nicotinamide salvaging R-HSA-197264
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives R-HSA-2142770
Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196854
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Nicotinate metabolism R-HSA-196807
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) R-HSA-2162123
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Interleukin-10 signaling R-HSA-6783783
Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196849
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196849
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives R-HSA-2142770
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) R-HSA-2162123
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Nicotinate metabolism R-HSA-196807
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Interleukin-10 signaling R-HSA-6783783
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Nicotinamide salvaging R-HSA-197264
Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196854
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Nicotinate metabolism R-HSA-196807
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives R-HSA-2142770
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Interleukin-10 signaling R-HSA-6783783
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196849
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) R-HSA-2162123
Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196854
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Nicotinamide salvaging R-HSA-197264
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196854
Nicotinate metabolism R-HSA-196807
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives R-HSA-2142770
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) R-HSA-2162123
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Nicotinamide salvaging R-HSA-197264
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Interleukin-10 signaling R-HSA-6783783
Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196849
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) R-HSA-2162123
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Nicotinamide salvaging R-HSA-197264
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Interleukin-10 signaling R-HSA-6783783
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196854
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196849
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives R-HSA-2142770
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Nicotinate metabolism R-HSA-196807
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Nicotinate metabolism R-HSA-196807
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives R-HSA-2142770
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) R-HSA-2162123
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Nicotinamide salvaging R-HSA-197264
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Interleukin-10 signaling R-HSA-6783783
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196854
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196849
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Interleukin-10 signaling R-HSA-6783783
Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196854
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) R-HSA-2162123
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives R-HSA-2142770
Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors R-HSA-196849
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Nicotinamide salvaging R-HSA-197264
Nicotinate metabolism R-HSA-196807
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833

Expression Atlas ENSG00000073756
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 5743
GeneCards 9605
HGNC Symbol HGNC:9605
MIM gene 600262
UniProtKB Gene Name Q6ZYK7
WikiGene 5743
Gene: RPS15A
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000134419
Description: ribosomal protein S15a
Gene Synonyms: S15A
4 APIs:
147 Possible Orthologues:

Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Translation R-HSA-72766
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Disease R-HSA-1643685
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Translation R-HSA-72766
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Disease R-HSA-1643685
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Translation R-HSA-72766
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Translation R-HSA-72766
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Translation R-HSA-72766
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Translation R-HSA-72766
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Disease R-HSA-1643685
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Translation R-HSA-72766
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Translation R-HSA-72766
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane R-HSA-1799339
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit R-HSA-72706
Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency R-HSA-9633012
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Viral mRNA Translation R-HSA-192823
Metabolism of RNA R-HSA-8953854
Ribosomal scanning and start codon recognition R-HSA-72702
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression R-HSA-156827
Influenza Infection R-HSA-168255
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation R-HSA-72613
Eukaryotic Translation Termination R-HSA-72764
Selenoamino acid metabolism R-HSA-2408522
Selenocysteine synthesis R-HSA-2408557
Translation initiation complex formation R-HSA-72649
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol R-HSA-6791226
SARS-CoV-2-host interactions R-HSA-9705683
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives R-HSA-71291
SARS-CoV-2 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9754678
Signaling by ROBO receptors R-HSA-376176
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Activation of the mRNA upon binding of the cap-binding complex and eIFs, and subsequent binding to 43S R-HSA-72662
Peptide chain elongation R-HSA-156902
Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication R-HSA-168273
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
SARS-CoV-1 modulates host translation machinery R-HSA-9735869
Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits R-HSA-72689
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975957
SARS-CoV-1-host interactions R-HSA-9692914
Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC) R-HSA-975956
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Disease R-HSA-1643685
rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol R-HSA-8868773
rRNA processing R-HSA-72312
Cap-dependent Translation Initiation R-HSA-72737
Regulation of expression of SLITs and ROBOs R-HSA-9010553
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex R-HSA-72695
Cellular response to starvation R-HSA-9711097
Translation R-HSA-72766
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation R-HSA-156842
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Nonsense-Mediated Decay (NMD) R-HSA-927802

Expression Atlas ENSG00000134419
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 6210
GeneCards 10389
HGNC Symbol HGNC:10389
MIM gene 603674
MIM morbid 618313
UniProtKB Gene Name P62244
WikiGene 6210
Gene: PIK3CA
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000121879
Description: phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha
Gene Synonyms: PI3K
36 APIs:
272 Possible Orthologues:

Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
PI3K Cascade R-HSA-109704
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall R-HSA-202733
Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer R-HSA-5637812
Signaling by Insulin receptor R-HSA-74752
IRS-mediated signalling R-HSA-112399
Activated NTRK3 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9603381
RAC1 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013149
Signaling by NTRK2 (TRKB) R-HSA-9006115
VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway R-HSA-4420097
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR2 R-HSA-5654696
Signaling by PDGFRA transmembrane, juxtamembrane and kinase domain mutants R-HSA-9673767
Constitutive Signaling by EGFRvIII R-HSA-5637810
Signaling by ERBB2 in Cancer R-HSA-1227990
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Signaling by ALK fusions and activated point mutants R-HSA-9725370
PI-3K cascade:FGFR3 R-HSA-5654710
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Signaling by cytosolic FGFR1 fusion mutants R-HSA-1839117
Signaling by FGFR2 R-HSA-5654738
Interleukin receptor SHC signaling R-HSA-912526
Signaling by Nuclear Receptors R-HSA-9006931
Signaling by FGFR1 in disease R-HSA-5655302
IGF1R signaling cascade R-HSA-2428924
Interleukin-2 family signaling R-HSA-451927
Signaling by Rho GTPases, Miro GTPases and RHOBTB3 R-HSA-9716542
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis R-HSA-2029485
RET signaling R-HSA-8853659
Signaling by Type 1 Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) R-HSA-2404192
Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization R-HSA-2730905
PI-3K cascade:FGFR2 R-HSA-5654695
PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling R-HSA-6811558
Signaling by NTRK3 (TRKC) R-HSA-9034015
Signaling by FLT3 ITD and TKD mutants R-HSA-9703648
RAF/MAP kinase cascade R-HSA-5673001
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR4 R-HSA-5654716
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling R-HSA-2454202
PI-3K cascade:FGFR1 R-HSA-5654689
Downstream TCR signaling R-HSA-202424
Signaling by ERBB2 ECD mutants R-HSA-9665348
Signaling by ALK R-HSA-201556
CD28 co-stimulation R-HSA-389356
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Nephrin family interactions R-HSA-373753
PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling R-HSA-1963642
Constitutive Signaling by Aberrant PI3K in Cancer R-HSA-2219530
ESR-mediated signaling R-HSA-8939211
IRS-related events triggered by IGF1R R-HSA-2428928
Signaling by SCF-KIT R-HSA-1433557
Signaling by ALK in cancer R-HSA-9700206
PI3K Cascade R-HSA-109704
MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling R-HSA-8851907
DAP12 interactions R-HSA-2172127
Regulation of signaling by CBL R-HSA-912631
PI-3K cascade:FGFR4 R-HSA-5654720
Signaling by Rho GTPases R-HSA-194315
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
DAP12 signaling R-HSA-2424491
Signaling by MET R-HSA-6806834
Signaling by FGFR4 in disease R-HSA-5655291
Signaling by PDGFRA extracellular domain mutants R-HSA-9673770
Signaling by FGFR R-HSA-190236
RAC2 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013404
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR3 R-HSA-5654708
Signaling by PDGFR in disease R-HSA-9671555
Signaling by EGFR in Cancer R-HSA-1643713
GAB1 signalosome R-HSA-180292
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
MAPK family signaling cascades R-HSA-5683057
Signaling by FGFR in disease R-HSA-1226099
RHO GTPase cycle R-HSA-9012999
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Signaling by FGFR1 R-HSA-5654736
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Signaling by ERBB4 R-HSA-1236394
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR1 R-HSA-5654687
FLT3 signaling in disease R-HSA-9682385
TCR signaling R-HSA-202403
Signaling by FGFR3 R-HSA-5654741
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
FLT3 Signaling R-HSA-9607240
Cell-Cell communication R-HSA-1500931
PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling R-HSA-1250342
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling R-HSA-512988
Activated NTRK2 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9028335
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network R-HSA-199418
Signaling by CSF1 (M-CSF) in myeloid cells R-HSA-9680350
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer R-HSA-5637815
Extra-nuclear estrogen signaling R-HSA-9009391
Costimulation by the CD28 family R-HSA-388841
Signaling by FGFR2 in disease R-HSA-5655253
FGFR1 mutant receptor activation R-HSA-1839124
Signaling by FLT3 fusion proteins R-HSA-9703465
CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling R-HSA-389357
MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling R-HSA-5684996
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Tie2 Signaling R-HSA-210993
Signaling by ERBB2 KD Mutants R-HSA-9664565
Signaling by KIT in disease R-HSA-9669938
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Signaling by PDGF R-HSA-186797
Downstream signal transduction R-HSA-186763
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Signaling by ERBB2 R-HSA-1227986
Constitutive Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Cancer Variants R-HSA-1236382
Signaling by FGFR3 in disease R-HSA-5655332
Signaling by EGFR R-HSA-177929
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Insulin receptor signalling cascade R-HSA-74751
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis R-HSA-2029480
Signaling by FGFR4 R-HSA-5654743
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Signaling by phosphorylated juxtamembrane, extracellular and kinase domain KIT mutants R-HSA-9670439
PI3K/AKT activation R-HSA-198203
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Signaling by VEGF R-HSA-194138
PI-3K cascade:FGFR1 R-HSA-5654689
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Constitutive Signaling by Aberrant PI3K in Cancer R-HSA-2219530
Signaling by FLT3 ITD and TKD mutants R-HSA-9703648
Signaling by CSF1 (M-CSF) in myeloid cells R-HSA-9680350
Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling R-HSA-512988
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signaling by KIT in disease R-HSA-9669938
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR4 R-HSA-5654716
Signaling by ALK in cancer R-HSA-9700206
Signaling by Insulin receptor R-HSA-74752
Signaling by PDGFR in disease R-HSA-9671555
CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling R-HSA-389357
PI3K/AKT activation R-HSA-198203
Signaling by Rho GTPases, Miro GTPases and RHOBTB3 R-HSA-9716542
Signaling by NTRK2 (TRKB) R-HSA-9006115
PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling R-HSA-1963642
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Signaling by ERBB2 R-HSA-1227986
Signaling by PDGFRA extracellular domain mutants R-HSA-9673770
Signaling by ERBB2 in Cancer R-HSA-1227990
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Signaling by phosphorylated juxtamembrane, extracellular and kinase domain KIT mutants R-HSA-9670439
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR2 R-HSA-5654696
DAP12 interactions R-HSA-2172127
Signaling by Rho GTPases R-HSA-194315
FLT3 Signaling R-HSA-9607240
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Signaling by FGFR4 R-HSA-5654743
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Signaling by cytosolic FGFR1 fusion mutants R-HSA-1839117
DAP12 signaling R-HSA-2424491
FLT3 signaling in disease R-HSA-9682385
Signaling by ALK fusions and activated point mutants R-HSA-9725370
PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling R-HSA-1250342
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Activated NTRK3 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9603381
IGF1R signaling cascade R-HSA-2428924
ESR-mediated signaling R-HSA-8939211
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR3 R-HSA-5654708
RAF/MAP kinase cascade R-HSA-5673001
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Signaling by PDGF R-HSA-186797
Signaling by FGFR4 in disease R-HSA-5655291
GAB1 signalosome R-HSA-180292
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Regulation of signaling by CBL R-HSA-912631
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Costimulation by the CD28 family R-HSA-388841
Signaling by SCF-KIT R-HSA-1433557
Signaling by FGFR R-HSA-190236
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Signaling by PDGFRA transmembrane, juxtamembrane and kinase domain mutants R-HSA-9673767
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Tie2 Signaling R-HSA-210993
Activated NTRK2 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9028335
RET signaling R-HSA-8853659
Downstream TCR signaling R-HSA-202424
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling R-HSA-5684996
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis R-HSA-2029485
CD28 co-stimulation R-HSA-389356
VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway R-HSA-4420097
TCR signaling R-HSA-202403
Interleukin receptor SHC signaling R-HSA-912526
Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer R-HSA-5637812
RAC1 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013149
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling R-HSA-6811558
Insulin receptor signalling cascade R-HSA-74751
PI-3K cascade:FGFR2 R-HSA-5654695
Signaling by Type 1 Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) R-HSA-2404192
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling R-HSA-2454202
Signaling by FGFR3 in disease R-HSA-5655332
RHO GTPase cycle R-HSA-9012999
Signaling by EGFR in Cancer R-HSA-1643713
Signaling by Nuclear Receptors R-HSA-9006931
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Signaling by NTRK3 (TRKC) R-HSA-9034015
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall R-HSA-202733
Signaling by FGFR in disease R-HSA-1226099
Signaling by MET R-HSA-6806834
Signaling by FGFR1 in disease R-HSA-5655302
Signaling by ERBB2 ECD mutants R-HSA-9665348
Signaling by FGFR1 R-HSA-5654736
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer R-HSA-5637815
Cell-Cell communication R-HSA-1500931
IRS-related events triggered by IGF1R R-HSA-2428928
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Interleukin-2 family signaling R-HSA-451927
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network R-HSA-199418
Nephrin family interactions R-HSA-373753
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
IRS-mediated signalling R-HSA-112399
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by ERBB4 R-HSA-1236394
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Signaling by EGFR R-HSA-177929
PI3K Cascade R-HSA-109704
Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization R-HSA-2730905
Signaling by ALK R-HSA-201556
FGFR1 mutant receptor activation R-HSA-1839124
MAPK family signaling cascades R-HSA-5683057
Extra-nuclear estrogen signaling R-HSA-9009391
Downstream signal transduction R-HSA-186763
Constitutive Signaling by EGFRvIII R-HSA-5637810
Constitutive Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Cancer Variants R-HSA-1236382
Signaling by FLT3 fusion proteins R-HSA-9703465
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR1 R-HSA-5654687
Signaling by FGFR2 R-HSA-5654738
Signaling by ERBB2 KD Mutants R-HSA-9664565
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
PI-3K cascade:FGFR3 R-HSA-5654710
PI-3K cascade:FGFR4 R-HSA-5654720
Signaling by FGFR3 R-HSA-5654741
Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis R-HSA-2029480
Signaling by FGFR2 in disease R-HSA-5655253
Signaling by VEGF R-HSA-194138
RAC2 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013404
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling R-HSA-8851907
Signaling by FGFR in disease R-HSA-1226099
Signaling by ALK in cancer R-HSA-9700206
VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway R-HSA-4420097
Signaling by FGFR4 in disease R-HSA-5655291
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall R-HSA-202733
DAP12 signaling R-HSA-2424491
Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization R-HSA-2730905
Signaling by ERBB2 in Cancer R-HSA-1227990
Signaling by ALK R-HSA-201556
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
MAPK family signaling cascades R-HSA-5683057
PI-3K cascade:FGFR2 R-HSA-5654695
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR3 R-HSA-5654708
Signaling by PDGFRA transmembrane, juxtamembrane and kinase domain mutants R-HSA-9673767
Signaling by ERBB4 R-HSA-1236394
Signaling by ERBB2 KD Mutants R-HSA-9664565
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Signaling by Nuclear Receptors R-HSA-9006931
Signaling by FGFR R-HSA-190236
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
TCR signaling R-HSA-202403
CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling R-HSA-389357
MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling R-HSA-5684996
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Downstream TCR signaling R-HSA-202424
Signaling by ERBB2 ECD mutants R-HSA-9665348
FLT3 Signaling R-HSA-9607240
Signaling by EGFR R-HSA-177929
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Immune System R-HSA-168256
PI-3K cascade:FGFR1 R-HSA-5654689
Signaling by PDGF R-HSA-186797
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Signaling by PDGFRA extracellular domain mutants R-HSA-9673770
Signaling by FGFR2 R-HSA-5654738
Signaling by FLT3 fusion proteins R-HSA-9703465
Signaling by Type 1 Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) R-HSA-2404192
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by Rho GTPases R-HSA-194315
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
FLT3 signaling in disease R-HSA-9682385
Interleukin receptor SHC signaling R-HSA-912526
RET signaling R-HSA-8853659
Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling R-HSA-512988
Signaling by ALK fusions and activated point mutants R-HSA-9725370
Signaling by FGFR3 in disease R-HSA-5655332
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Signaling by phosphorylated juxtamembrane, extracellular and kinase domain KIT mutants R-HSA-9670439
Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer R-HSA-5637812
Constitutive Signaling by EGFRvIII R-HSA-5637810
IGF1R signaling cascade R-HSA-2428924
GAB1 signalosome R-HSA-180292
Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer R-HSA-5637815
RHO GTPase cycle R-HSA-9012999
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling R-HSA-2454202
PI-3K cascade:FGFR4 R-HSA-5654720
Signaling by FLT3 ITD and TKD mutants R-HSA-9703648
Signaling by MET R-HSA-6806834
Downstream signal transduction R-HSA-186763
Signaling by NTRK3 (TRKC) R-HSA-9034015
Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network R-HSA-199418
Signaling by VEGF R-HSA-194138
FGFR1 mutant receptor activation R-HSA-1839124
Signaling by FGFR1 R-HSA-5654736
Cell-Cell communication R-HSA-1500931
Signaling by FGFR4 R-HSA-5654743
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by ERBB2 R-HSA-1227986
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis R-HSA-2029485
IRS-mediated signalling R-HSA-112399
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Activated NTRK2 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9028335
Constitutive Signaling by Aberrant PI3K in Cancer R-HSA-2219530
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Signaling by KIT in disease R-HSA-9669938
MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling R-HSA-8851907
RAF/MAP kinase cascade R-HSA-5673001
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Extra-nuclear estrogen signaling R-HSA-9009391
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Signaling by PDGFR in disease R-HSA-9671555
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Regulation of signaling by CBL R-HSA-912631
ESR-mediated signaling R-HSA-8939211
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Signaling by SCF-KIT R-HSA-1433557
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
DAP12 interactions R-HSA-2172127
CD28 co-stimulation R-HSA-389356
Costimulation by the CD28 family R-HSA-388841
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
RAC2 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013404
Signaling by CSF1 (M-CSF) in myeloid cells R-HSA-9680350
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis R-HSA-2029480
PI3K/AKT activation R-HSA-198203
Signaling by Rho GTPases, Miro GTPases and RHOBTB3 R-HSA-9716542
Signaling by Insulin receptor R-HSA-74752
Nephrin family interactions R-HSA-373753
Signaling by cytosolic FGFR1 fusion mutants R-HSA-1839117
Interleukin-2 family signaling R-HSA-451927
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR2 R-HSA-5654696
Activated NTRK3 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9603381
Constitutive Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Cancer Variants R-HSA-1236382
PI3K Cascade R-HSA-109704
PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling R-HSA-1250342
PI-3K cascade:FGFR3 R-HSA-5654710
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
RAC1 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013149
IRS-related events triggered by IGF1R R-HSA-2428928
Signaling by FGFR2 in disease R-HSA-5655253
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR4 R-HSA-5654716
Signaling by FGFR1 in disease R-HSA-5655302
Signaling by NTRK2 (TRKB) R-HSA-9006115
Signaling by EGFR in Cancer R-HSA-1643713
Insulin receptor signalling cascade R-HSA-74751
Tie2 Signaling R-HSA-210993
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR1 R-HSA-5654687
Signaling by FGFR3 R-HSA-5654741
PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling R-HSA-6811558
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling R-HSA-1963642
Disease R-HSA-1643685
VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway R-HSA-4420097
Signaling by ERBB2 KD Mutants R-HSA-9664565
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Signaling by FGFR3 R-HSA-5654741
Downstream signal transduction R-HSA-186763
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall R-HSA-202733
Signaling by FGFR4 in disease R-HSA-5655291
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR1 R-HSA-5654687
FLT3 Signaling R-HSA-9607240
Downstream TCR signaling R-HSA-202424
CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling R-HSA-389357
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Signaling by KIT in disease R-HSA-9669938
Signaling by FLT3 fusion proteins R-HSA-9703465
Signaling by FGFR1 in disease R-HSA-5655302
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Signaling by PDGF R-HSA-186797
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Signaling by FGFR3 in disease R-HSA-5655332
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling R-HSA-5684996
Signaling by SCF-KIT R-HSA-1433557
Signaling by Rho GTPases, Miro GTPases and RHOBTB3 R-HSA-9716542
MAPK family signaling cascades R-HSA-5683057
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Signaling by PDGFRA transmembrane, juxtamembrane and kinase domain mutants R-HSA-9673767
Signaling by FGFR4 R-HSA-5654743
FLT3 signaling in disease R-HSA-9682385
FGFR1 mutant receptor activation R-HSA-1839124
IRS-mediated signalling R-HSA-112399
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR4 R-HSA-5654716
PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling R-HSA-6811558
Tie2 Signaling R-HSA-210993
Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling R-HSA-512988
Costimulation by the CD28 family R-HSA-388841
Signaling by PDGFR in disease R-HSA-9671555
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis R-HSA-2029485
Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network R-HSA-199418
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by FGFR2 in disease R-HSA-5655253
Constitutive Signaling by Aberrant PI3K in Cancer R-HSA-2219530
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Signaling by ALK in cancer R-HSA-9700206
Interleukin-2 family signaling R-HSA-451927
Signaling by EGFR R-HSA-177929
DAP12 interactions R-HSA-2172127
Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer R-HSA-5637815
RAC1 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013149
PI3K Cascade R-HSA-109704
Activated NTRK2 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9028335
Signaling by FGFR R-HSA-190236
Nephrin family interactions R-HSA-373753
Interleukin receptor SHC signaling R-HSA-912526
RHO GTPase cycle R-HSA-9012999
Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer R-HSA-5637812
TCR signaling R-HSA-202403
Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization R-HSA-2730905
Signaling by NTRK3 (TRKC) R-HSA-9034015
RAC2 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013404
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Extra-nuclear estrogen signaling R-HSA-9009391
Signaling by PDGFRA extracellular domain mutants R-HSA-9673770
Signaling by FLT3 ITD and TKD mutants R-HSA-9703648
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by ALK fusions and activated point mutants R-HSA-9725370
PI-3K cascade:FGFR4 R-HSA-5654720
Signaling by CSF1 (M-CSF) in myeloid cells R-HSA-9680350
DAP12 signaling R-HSA-2424491
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Insulin receptor signalling cascade R-HSA-74751
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signaling by ERBB4 R-HSA-1236394
Signaling by ALK R-HSA-201556
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Signaling by cytosolic FGFR1 fusion mutants R-HSA-1839117
Signaling by FGFR in disease R-HSA-1226099
CD28 co-stimulation R-HSA-389356
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Signaling by NTRK2 (TRKB) R-HSA-9006115
GAB1 signalosome R-HSA-180292
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Signaling by FGFR1 R-HSA-5654736
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
IRS-related events triggered by IGF1R R-HSA-2428928
RET signaling R-HSA-8853659
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR2 R-HSA-5654696
Constitutive Signaling by EGFRvIII R-HSA-5637810
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR3 R-HSA-5654708
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling R-HSA-2454202
Signaling by Insulin receptor R-HSA-74752
Signaling by FGFR2 R-HSA-5654738
Signaling by EGFR in Cancer R-HSA-1643713
PI-3K cascade:FGFR1 R-HSA-5654689
Activated NTRK3 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9603381
PI-3K cascade:FGFR3 R-HSA-5654710
Signaling by ERBB2 R-HSA-1227986
Signaling by VEGF R-HSA-194138
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
RAF/MAP kinase cascade R-HSA-5673001
PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling R-HSA-1250342
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Signaling by phosphorylated juxtamembrane, extracellular and kinase domain KIT mutants R-HSA-9670439
Signaling by ERBB2 in Cancer R-HSA-1227990
Signaling by MET R-HSA-6806834
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Cell-Cell communication R-HSA-1500931
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis R-HSA-2029480
Signaling by Rho GTPases R-HSA-194315
IGF1R signaling cascade R-HSA-2428924
PI-3K cascade:FGFR2 R-HSA-5654695
Signaling by Type 1 Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) R-HSA-2404192
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Signaling by ERBB2 ECD mutants R-HSA-9665348
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
PI3K/AKT activation R-HSA-198203
ESR-mediated signaling R-HSA-8939211
Signaling by Nuclear Receptors R-HSA-9006931
PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling R-HSA-1963642
Regulation of signaling by CBL R-HSA-912631
MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling R-HSA-8851907
Constitutive Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Cancer Variants R-HSA-1236382
Signaling by FGFR2 R-HSA-5654738
Signaling by NTRK2 (TRKB) R-HSA-9006115
RAC1 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013149
DAP12 interactions R-HSA-2172127
Signaling by Nuclear Receptors R-HSA-9006931
VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway R-HSA-4420097
FGFR1 mutant receptor activation R-HSA-1839124
PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling R-HSA-6811558
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis R-HSA-2029485
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
RET signaling R-HSA-8853659
Signaling by Rho GTPases, Miro GTPases and RHOBTB3 R-HSA-9716542
MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling R-HSA-8851907
FLT3 Signaling R-HSA-9607240
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR2 R-HSA-5654696
Signaling by FGFR1 in disease R-HSA-5655302
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR1 R-HSA-5654687
Signaling by ERBB2 ECD mutants R-HSA-9665348
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Signaling by Rho GTPases R-HSA-194315
Signaling by FGFR1 R-HSA-5654736
MAPK family signaling cascades R-HSA-5683057
Signaling by ERBB2 in Cancer R-HSA-1227990
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by Insulin receptor R-HSA-74752
Signaling by PDGFRA transmembrane, juxtamembrane and kinase domain mutants R-HSA-9673767
Interleukin-2 family signaling R-HSA-451927
PI-3K cascade:FGFR1 R-HSA-5654689
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling R-HSA-389357
Insulin receptor signalling cascade R-HSA-74751
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
IGF1R signaling cascade R-HSA-2428924
MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling R-HSA-5684996
PI-3K cascade:FGFR3 R-HSA-5654710
Signaling by ERBB2 R-HSA-1227986
Signaling by phosphorylated juxtamembrane, extracellular and kinase domain KIT mutants R-HSA-9670439
Signaling by FGFR3 R-HSA-5654741
Regulation of signaling by CBL R-HSA-912631
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Signaling by NTRK3 (TRKC) R-HSA-9034015
Signaling by ALK in cancer R-HSA-9700206
Signaling by ALK R-HSA-201556
Cell-Cell communication R-HSA-1500931
Signaling by ALK fusions and activated point mutants R-HSA-9725370
Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network R-HSA-199418
PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling R-HSA-1250342
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Activated NTRK2 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9028335
Signaling by EGFR in Cancer R-HSA-1643713
Signaling by PDGFR in disease R-HSA-9671555
Signaling by PDGF R-HSA-186797
Signaling by KIT in disease R-HSA-9669938
Signaling by ERBB2 KD Mutants R-HSA-9664565
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
PI3K/AKT activation R-HSA-198203
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Constitutive Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Cancer Variants R-HSA-1236382
RAC2 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013404
Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling R-HSA-512988
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling R-HSA-2454202
Downstream signal transduction R-HSA-186763
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
IRS-related events triggered by IGF1R R-HSA-2428928
CD28 co-stimulation R-HSA-389356
Signaling by FGFR2 in disease R-HSA-5655253
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
RAF/MAP kinase cascade R-HSA-5673001
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling R-HSA-1963642
Signaling by FLT3 ITD and TKD mutants R-HSA-9703648
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Signaling by EGFR R-HSA-177929
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
FLT3 signaling in disease R-HSA-9682385
Signaling by FGFR4 R-HSA-5654743
Nephrin family interactions R-HSA-373753
Signaling by FGFR3 in disease R-HSA-5655332
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Constitutive Signaling by EGFRvIII R-HSA-5637810
Signaling by FLT3 fusion proteins R-HSA-9703465
Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer R-HSA-5637815
Costimulation by the CD28 family R-HSA-388841
Activated NTRK3 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9603381
Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization R-HSA-2730905
Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis R-HSA-2029480
TCR signaling R-HSA-202403
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR4 R-HSA-5654716
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Signaling by FGFR R-HSA-190236
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Signaling by SCF-KIT R-HSA-1433557
GAB1 signalosome R-HSA-180292
IRS-mediated signalling R-HSA-112399
PI-3K cascade:FGFR2 R-HSA-5654695
Signaling by VEGF R-HSA-194138
Tie2 Signaling R-HSA-210993
Signaling by MET R-HSA-6806834
Signaling by ERBB4 R-HSA-1236394
Constitutive Signaling by Aberrant PI3K in Cancer R-HSA-2219530
Signaling by FGFR4 in disease R-HSA-5655291
Signaling by CSF1 (M-CSF) in myeloid cells R-HSA-9680350
Extra-nuclear estrogen signaling R-HSA-9009391
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Signaling by cytosolic FGFR1 fusion mutants R-HSA-1839117
Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer R-HSA-5637812
PI3K Cascade R-HSA-109704
Signaling by Type 1 Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) R-HSA-2404192
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Downstream TCR signaling R-HSA-202424
PI-3K cascade:FGFR4 R-HSA-5654720
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Signaling by PDGFRA extracellular domain mutants R-HSA-9673770
Interleukin receptor SHC signaling R-HSA-912526
DAP12 signaling R-HSA-2424491
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
RHO GTPase cycle R-HSA-9012999
ESR-mediated signaling R-HSA-8939211
Signaling by FGFR in disease R-HSA-1226099
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall R-HSA-202733
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR3 R-HSA-5654708
Signaling by EGFR R-HSA-177929
Signaling by PDGF R-HSA-186797
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Constitutive Signaling by Aberrant PI3K in Cancer R-HSA-2219530
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR4 R-HSA-5654716
Signaling by FGFR1 in disease R-HSA-5655302
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Activated NTRK3 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9603381
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis R-HSA-2029485
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Signaling by CSF1 (M-CSF) in myeloid cells R-HSA-9680350
MAPK family signaling cascades R-HSA-5683057
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
PI-3K cascade:FGFR4 R-HSA-5654720
ESR-mediated signaling R-HSA-8939211
VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway R-HSA-4420097
Signaling by ALK R-HSA-201556
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall R-HSA-202733
Costimulation by the CD28 family R-HSA-388841
Signaling by ALK in cancer R-HSA-9700206
Signaling by ERBB2 R-HSA-1227986
Signaling by phosphorylated juxtamembrane, extracellular and kinase domain KIT mutants R-HSA-9670439
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
DAP12 interactions R-HSA-2172127
Signaling by VEGF R-HSA-194138
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Signaling by FGFR1 R-HSA-5654736
Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization R-HSA-2730905
Signaling by EGFR in Cancer R-HSA-1643713
PI-3K cascade:FGFR2 R-HSA-5654695
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Signaling by FGFR in disease R-HSA-1226099
Signaling by FGFR3 R-HSA-5654741
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Constitutive Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Cancer Variants R-HSA-1236382
RAF/MAP kinase cascade R-HSA-5673001
IRS-mediated signalling R-HSA-112399
Signaling by Rho GTPases, Miro GTPases and RHOBTB3 R-HSA-9716542
Disease R-HSA-1643685
FLT3 Signaling R-HSA-9607240
DAP12 signaling R-HSA-2424491
Interleukin receptor SHC signaling R-HSA-912526
Signaling by ALK fusions and activated point mutants R-HSA-9725370
Signaling by NTRK3 (TRKC) R-HSA-9034015
FGFR1 mutant receptor activation R-HSA-1839124
Cell-Cell communication R-HSA-1500931
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
RAC1 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013149
CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling R-HSA-389357
Signaling by FGFR4 R-HSA-5654743
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
PI3K Cascade R-HSA-109704
PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling R-HSA-1250342
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Nephrin family interactions R-HSA-373753
Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis R-HSA-2029480
FLT3 signaling in disease R-HSA-9682385
IGF1R signaling cascade R-HSA-2428924
Signaling by ERBB4 R-HSA-1236394
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Signaling by PDGFRA transmembrane, juxtamembrane and kinase domain mutants R-HSA-9673767
Signaling by NTRK2 (TRKB) R-HSA-9006115
RET signaling R-HSA-8853659
IRS-related events triggered by IGF1R R-HSA-2428928
PI-3K cascade:FGFR1 R-HSA-5654689
Signaling by FLT3 fusion proteins R-HSA-9703465
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network R-HSA-199418
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR2 R-HSA-5654696
Signaling by SCF-KIT R-HSA-1433557
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling R-HSA-2454202
Signaling by PDGFR in disease R-HSA-9671555
PI-3K cascade:FGFR3 R-HSA-5654710
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
RAC2 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013404
Signaling by MET R-HSA-6806834
Signaling by Nuclear Receptors R-HSA-9006931
PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling R-HSA-6811558
Signaling by Rho GTPases R-HSA-194315
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by FGFR2 R-HSA-5654738
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Interleukin-2 family signaling R-HSA-451927
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR3 R-HSA-5654708
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR1 R-HSA-5654687
MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling R-HSA-8851907
Signaling by PDGFRA extracellular domain mutants R-HSA-9673770
Signaling by Insulin receptor R-HSA-74752
RHO GTPase cycle R-HSA-9012999
Signaling by ERBB2 in Cancer R-HSA-1227990
CD28 co-stimulation R-HSA-389356
Activated NTRK2 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9028335
Extra-nuclear estrogen signaling R-HSA-9009391
Signaling by cytosolic FGFR1 fusion mutants R-HSA-1839117
Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling R-HSA-512988
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Signaling by FGFR3 in disease R-HSA-5655332
Downstream signal transduction R-HSA-186763
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Signaling by FGFR2 in disease R-HSA-5655253
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Constitutive Signaling by EGFRvIII R-HSA-5637810
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Signaling by Type 1 Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) R-HSA-2404192
Signaling by FGFR R-HSA-190236
Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer R-HSA-5637815
Signaling by ERBB2 ECD mutants R-HSA-9665348
Tie2 Signaling R-HSA-210993
Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer R-HSA-5637812
PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling R-HSA-1963642
Signaling by FLT3 ITD and TKD mutants R-HSA-9703648
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Signaling by FGFR4 in disease R-HSA-5655291
MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling R-HSA-5684996
Regulation of signaling by CBL R-HSA-912631
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Signaling by KIT in disease R-HSA-9669938
Insulin receptor signalling cascade R-HSA-74751
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Signaling by ERBB2 KD Mutants R-HSA-9664565
PI3K/AKT activation R-HSA-198203
Downstream TCR signaling R-HSA-202424
GAB1 signalosome R-HSA-180292
TCR signaling R-HSA-202403
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Signaling by ALK in cancer R-HSA-9700206
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling R-HSA-2454202
Signaling by ALK fusions and activated point mutants R-HSA-9725370
Signaling by ERBB2 ECD mutants R-HSA-9665348
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis R-HSA-2029485
Signaling by Insulin receptor R-HSA-74752
PI-3K cascade:FGFR1 R-HSA-5654689
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR3 R-HSA-5654708
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by EGFR in Cancer R-HSA-1643713
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR1 R-HSA-5654687
GAB1 signalosome R-HSA-180292
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall R-HSA-202733
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR2 R-HSA-5654696
PI3K Cascade R-HSA-109704
MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling R-HSA-5684996
Downstream signal transduction R-HSA-186763
Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer R-HSA-5637815
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
PI-3K cascade:FGFR4 R-HSA-5654720
RHO GTPase cycle R-HSA-9012999
IGF1R signaling cascade R-HSA-2428924
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Signaling by FGFR3 in disease R-HSA-5655332
Signaling by Type 1 Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) R-HSA-2404192
DAP12 signaling R-HSA-2424491
RAC1 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013149
Signaling by SCF-KIT R-HSA-1433557
DAP12 interactions R-HSA-2172127
Signaling by cytosolic FGFR1 fusion mutants R-HSA-1839117
MAPK family signaling cascades R-HSA-5683057
Signaling by FGFR in disease R-HSA-1226099
RAC2 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013404
Nephrin family interactions R-HSA-373753
Downstream TCR signaling R-HSA-202424
Signaling by ALK R-HSA-201556
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Signaling by CSF1 (M-CSF) in myeloid cells R-HSA-9680350
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Signaling by NTRK3 (TRKC) R-HSA-9034015
Costimulation by the CD28 family R-HSA-388841
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Signaling by FGFR2 in disease R-HSA-5655253
Interleukin-2 family signaling R-HSA-451927
Signaling by FGFR4 R-HSA-5654743
Signaling by FLT3 ITD and TKD mutants R-HSA-9703648
RET signaling R-HSA-8853659
PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling R-HSA-1963642
Interleukin receptor SHC signaling R-HSA-912526
IRS-related events triggered by IGF1R R-HSA-2428928
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Signaling by FGFR R-HSA-190236
Signaling by PDGF R-HSA-186797
Signaling by ERBB2 R-HSA-1227986
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway R-HSA-4420097
Signaling by ERBB2 KD Mutants R-HSA-9664565
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Signaling by phosphorylated juxtamembrane, extracellular and kinase domain KIT mutants R-HSA-9670439
Signaling by Rho GTPases, Miro GTPases and RHOBTB3 R-HSA-9716542
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling R-HSA-8851907
Constitutive Signaling by Aberrant PI3K in Cancer R-HSA-2219530
Insulin receptor signalling cascade R-HSA-74751
IRS-mediated signalling R-HSA-112399
PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling R-HSA-1250342
Signaling by PDGFR in disease R-HSA-9671555
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Activated NTRK2 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9028335
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Signaling by ERBB2 in Cancer R-HSA-1227990
Signaling by VEGF R-HSA-194138
Tie2 Signaling R-HSA-210993
Cell-Cell communication R-HSA-1500931
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Signaling by KIT in disease R-HSA-9669938
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Signaling by PDGFRA extracellular domain mutants R-HSA-9673770
FLT3 Signaling R-HSA-9607240
RAF/MAP kinase cascade R-HSA-5673001
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network R-HSA-199418
PI-3K cascade:FGFR2 R-HSA-5654695
Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis R-HSA-2029480
FLT3 signaling in disease R-HSA-9682385
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by EGFR R-HSA-177929
Signaling by NTRK2 (TRKB) R-HSA-9006115
Signaling by Nuclear Receptors R-HSA-9006931
TCR signaling R-HSA-202403
FGFR1 mutant receptor activation R-HSA-1839124
Signaling by ERBB4 R-HSA-1236394
Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization R-HSA-2730905
Signaling by FGFR1 in disease R-HSA-5655302
Signaling by MET R-HSA-6806834
PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling R-HSA-6811558
PI-3K cascade:FGFR3 R-HSA-5654710
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Constitutive Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Cancer Variants R-HSA-1236382
CD28 co-stimulation R-HSA-389356
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Signaling by FLT3 fusion proteins R-HSA-9703465
Signaling by FGFR2 R-HSA-5654738
Extra-nuclear estrogen signaling R-HSA-9009391
Constitutive Signaling by EGFRvIII R-HSA-5637810
Signaling by FGFR4 in disease R-HSA-5655291
Signaling by PDGFRA transmembrane, juxtamembrane and kinase domain mutants R-HSA-9673767
Regulation of signaling by CBL R-HSA-912631
CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling R-HSA-389357
Signaling by Rho GTPases R-HSA-194315
Signaling by FGFR1 R-HSA-5654736
ESR-mediated signaling R-HSA-8939211
Signaling by FGFR3 R-HSA-5654741
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling R-HSA-512988
Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer R-HSA-5637812
Activated NTRK3 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9603381
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
PI3K/AKT activation R-HSA-198203
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR4 R-HSA-5654716
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis R-HSA-2029485
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling R-HSA-6811558
RHO GTPase cycle R-HSA-9012999
DAP12 interactions R-HSA-2172127
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR2 R-HSA-5654696
Signaling by ALK fusions and activated point mutants R-HSA-9725370
PI-3K cascade:FGFR3 R-HSA-5654710
Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling R-HSA-512988
Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer R-HSA-5637812
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR4 R-HSA-5654716
FGFR1 mutant receptor activation R-HSA-1839124
Signaling by Insulin receptor R-HSA-74752
Signaling by EGFR R-HSA-177929
MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling R-HSA-5684996
Signaling by ALK in cancer R-HSA-9700206
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Interleukin-2 family signaling R-HSA-451927
Signaling by PDGFRA transmembrane, juxtamembrane and kinase domain mutants R-HSA-9673767
Signaling by FGFR3 in disease R-HSA-5655332
Signaling by ERBB2 KD Mutants R-HSA-9664565
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
RAC2 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013404
Disease R-HSA-1643685
CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling R-HSA-389357
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
PI3K Cascade R-HSA-109704
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Signaling by FGFR2 R-HSA-5654738
Interleukin receptor SHC signaling R-HSA-912526
Signaling by VEGF R-HSA-194138
IRS-mediated signalling R-HSA-112399
RAF/MAP kinase cascade R-HSA-5673001
TCR signaling R-HSA-202403
Signaling by PDGFRA extracellular domain mutants R-HSA-9673770
Signaling by FLT3 ITD and TKD mutants R-HSA-9703648
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Signaling by FGFR1 in disease R-HSA-5655302
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
RET signaling R-HSA-8853659
FLT3 Signaling R-HSA-9607240
Signaling by NTRK3 (TRKC) R-HSA-9034015
Nephrin family interactions R-HSA-373753
Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer R-HSA-5637815
Signaling by FGFR4 R-HSA-5654743
MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling R-HSA-8851907
Signaling by FGFR R-HSA-190236
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Signaling by CSF1 (M-CSF) in myeloid cells R-HSA-9680350
IRS-related events triggered by IGF1R R-HSA-2428928
Signaling by FGFR3 R-HSA-5654741
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR1 R-HSA-5654687
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
PI-3K cascade:FGFR4 R-HSA-5654720
PI3K/AKT activation R-HSA-198203
Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network R-HSA-199418
Regulation of signaling by CBL R-HSA-912631
Signaling by PDGF R-HSA-186797
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling R-HSA-1250342
Signaling by FGFR1 R-HSA-5654736
Signaling by KIT in disease R-HSA-9669938
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling R-HSA-2454202
Signaling by FGFR in disease R-HSA-1226099
FLT3 signaling in disease R-HSA-9682385
DAP12 signaling R-HSA-2424491
Signaling by ERBB4 R-HSA-1236394
Signaling by Rho GTPases R-HSA-194315
Signaling by ERBB2 ECD mutants R-HSA-9665348
Activated NTRK2 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9028335
Signaling by FGFR2 in disease R-HSA-5655253
Signaling by Nuclear Receptors R-HSA-9006931
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Costimulation by the CD28 family R-HSA-388841
ESR-mediated signaling R-HSA-8939211
PI-3K cascade:FGFR2 R-HSA-5654695
VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway R-HSA-4420097
Extra-nuclear estrogen signaling R-HSA-9009391
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Signaling by NTRK2 (TRKB) R-HSA-9006115
Constitutive Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Cancer Variants R-HSA-1236382
Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization R-HSA-2730905
Signaling by EGFR in Cancer R-HSA-1643713
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Signaling by Rho GTPases, Miro GTPases and RHOBTB3 R-HSA-9716542
IGF1R signaling cascade R-HSA-2428924
Activated NTRK3 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9603381
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis R-HSA-2029480
Tie2 Signaling R-HSA-210993
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Signaling by FGFR4 in disease R-HSA-5655291
PI-3K cascade:FGFR1 R-HSA-5654689
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Downstream TCR signaling R-HSA-202424
MAPK family signaling cascades R-HSA-5683057
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Signaling by phosphorylated juxtamembrane, extracellular and kinase domain KIT mutants R-HSA-9670439
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Cell-Cell communication R-HSA-1500931
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Signaling by cytosolic FGFR1 fusion mutants R-HSA-1839117
Signaling by ERBB2 in Cancer R-HSA-1227990
Downstream signal transduction R-HSA-186763
GAB1 signalosome R-HSA-180292
Constitutive Signaling by EGFRvIII R-HSA-5637810
Insulin receptor signalling cascade R-HSA-74751
Signaling by FLT3 fusion proteins R-HSA-9703465
PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling R-HSA-1963642
Constitutive Signaling by Aberrant PI3K in Cancer R-HSA-2219530
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR3 R-HSA-5654708
Signaling by MET R-HSA-6806834
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Signaling by ALK R-HSA-201556
Signaling by PDGFR in disease R-HSA-9671555
Signaling by ERBB2 R-HSA-1227986
CD28 co-stimulation R-HSA-389356
Signaling by Type 1 Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) R-HSA-2404192
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall R-HSA-202733
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Signaling by SCF-KIT R-HSA-1433557
RAC1 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013149
Signaling by FGFR3 in disease R-HSA-5655332
Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network R-HSA-199418
Nephrin family interactions R-HSA-373753
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling R-HSA-2454202
Signaling by ALK R-HSA-201556
Signaling by FGFR2 in disease R-HSA-5655253
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling R-HSA-8851907
RAC1 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013149
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR4 R-HSA-5654716
FLT3 Signaling R-HSA-9607240
PI-3K cascade:FGFR2 R-HSA-5654695
IRS-related events triggered by IGF1R R-HSA-2428928
Interleukin-2 family signaling R-HSA-451927
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
PI-3K cascade:FGFR1 R-HSA-5654689
Signaling by FLT3 fusion proteins R-HSA-9703465
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Signaling by FGFR1 in disease R-HSA-5655302
Signaling by Nuclear Receptors R-HSA-9006931
Signaling by ERBB4 R-HSA-1236394
Signaling by Type 1 Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) R-HSA-2404192
Signaling by KIT in disease R-HSA-9669938
TCR signaling R-HSA-202403
Signaling by ERBB2 KD Mutants R-HSA-9664565
Tie2 Signaling R-HSA-210993
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
PI-3K cascade:FGFR4 R-HSA-5654720
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Costimulation by the CD28 family R-HSA-388841
RET signaling R-HSA-8853659
Signaling by cytosolic FGFR1 fusion mutants R-HSA-1839117
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR1 R-HSA-5654687
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis R-HSA-2029485
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling R-HSA-6811558
GAB1 signalosome R-HSA-180292
FGFR1 mutant receptor activation R-HSA-1839124
Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer R-HSA-5637815
Downstream TCR signaling R-HSA-202424
Constitutive Signaling by Aberrant PI3K in Cancer R-HSA-2219530
Signaling by FGFR3 R-HSA-5654741
Signaling by FLT3 ITD and TKD mutants R-HSA-9703648
Downstream signal transduction R-HSA-186763
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Extra-nuclear estrogen signaling R-HSA-9009391
Signaling by PDGF R-HSA-186797
PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling R-HSA-1963642
RHO GTPase cycle R-HSA-9012999
Regulation of signaling by CBL R-HSA-912631
Signaling by FGFR in disease R-HSA-1226099
Signaling by PDGFR in disease R-HSA-9671555
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Cell-Cell communication R-HSA-1500931
ESR-mediated signaling R-HSA-8939211
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR2 R-HSA-5654696
Signaling by ERBB2 R-HSA-1227986
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Signaling by phosphorylated juxtamembrane, extracellular and kinase domain KIT mutants R-HSA-9670439
Activated NTRK2 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9028335
Interleukin receptor SHC signaling R-HSA-912526
Signaling by MET R-HSA-6806834
Signaling by FGFR4 in disease R-HSA-5655291
Signaling by PDGFRA extracellular domain mutants R-HSA-9673770
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
FLT3 signaling in disease R-HSA-9682385
Signaling by PDGFRA transmembrane, juxtamembrane and kinase domain mutants R-HSA-9673767
Signaling by EGFR R-HSA-177929
Signaling by FGFR1 R-HSA-5654736
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall R-HSA-202733
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Signaling by Rho GTPases, Miro GTPases and RHOBTB3 R-HSA-9716542
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Signaling by ERBB2 in Cancer R-HSA-1227990
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
DAP12 signaling R-HSA-2424491
Signaling by NTRK2 (TRKB) R-HSA-9006115
MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling R-HSA-5684996
Insulin receptor signalling cascade R-HSA-74751
Signaling by Insulin receptor R-HSA-74752
Signaling by ERBB2 ECD mutants R-HSA-9665348
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Signaling by FGFR2 R-HSA-5654738
RAC2 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013404
Constitutive Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Cancer Variants R-HSA-1236382
Signaling by EGFR in Cancer R-HSA-1643713
Signaling by Rho GTPases R-HSA-194315
RAF/MAP kinase cascade R-HSA-5673001
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
MAPK family signaling cascades R-HSA-5683057
PI3K/AKT activation R-HSA-198203
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Signaling by FGFR4 R-HSA-5654743
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
IRS-mediated signalling R-HSA-112399
PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling R-HSA-1250342
CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling R-HSA-389357
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Signaling by FGFR R-HSA-190236
Activated NTRK3 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9603381
Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer R-HSA-5637812
Constitutive Signaling by EGFRvIII R-HSA-5637810
Signaling by NTRK3 (TRKC) R-HSA-9034015
PI3K Cascade R-HSA-109704
Signaling by ALK in cancer R-HSA-9700206
Immune System R-HSA-168256
VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway R-HSA-4420097
Signaling by VEGF R-HSA-194138
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
IGF1R signaling cascade R-HSA-2428924
PI-3K cascade:FGFR3 R-HSA-5654710
Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis R-HSA-2029480
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
DAP12 interactions R-HSA-2172127
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Signaling by CSF1 (M-CSF) in myeloid cells R-HSA-9680350
Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization R-HSA-2730905
Signaling by SCF-KIT R-HSA-1433557
CD28 co-stimulation R-HSA-389356
Signaling by ALK fusions and activated point mutants R-HSA-9725370
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR3 R-HSA-5654708
Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling R-HSA-512988
Signaling by FLT3 ITD and TKD mutants R-HSA-9703648
Signaling by FGFR in disease R-HSA-1226099
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis R-HSA-2029485
Signaling by ERBB2 KD Mutants R-HSA-9664565
Signaling by FGFR1 in disease R-HSA-5655302
Signaling by NTRK3 (TRKC) R-HSA-9034015
PI-3K cascade:FGFR1 R-HSA-5654689
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Interleukin receptor SHC signaling R-HSA-912526
Signaling by FGFR3 in disease R-HSA-5655332
FGFR1 mutant receptor activation R-HSA-1839124
ESR-mediated signaling R-HSA-8939211
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Insulin receptor signalling cascade R-HSA-74751
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Signaling by Insulin receptor R-HSA-74752
RHO GTPase cycle R-HSA-9012999
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Constitutive Signaling by Aberrant PI3K in Cancer R-HSA-2219530
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR2 R-HSA-5654696
Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer R-HSA-5637815
Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis R-HSA-2029480
MAPK family signaling cascades R-HSA-5683057
Signaling by KIT in disease R-HSA-9669938
Signaling by phosphorylated juxtamembrane, extracellular and kinase domain KIT mutants R-HSA-9670439
DAP12 interactions R-HSA-2172127
FLT3 Signaling R-HSA-9607240
IGF1R signaling cascade R-HSA-2428924
Signaling by ALK in cancer R-HSA-9700206
Signaling by FLT3 fusion proteins R-HSA-9703465
Signaling by EGFR R-HSA-177929
Regulation of signaling by CBL R-HSA-912631
Constitutive Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Cancer Variants R-HSA-1236382
MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling R-HSA-5684996
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization R-HSA-2730905
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Interleukin-2 family signaling R-HSA-451927
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR1 R-HSA-5654687
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Extra-nuclear estrogen signaling R-HSA-9009391
IRS-related events triggered by IGF1R R-HSA-2428928
Signaling by CSF1 (M-CSF) in myeloid cells R-HSA-9680350
Costimulation by the CD28 family R-HSA-388841
Signaling by ERBB2 in Cancer R-HSA-1227990
DAP12 signaling R-HSA-2424491
Signaling by SCF-KIT R-HSA-1433557
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Signaling by FGFR4 in disease R-HSA-5655291
Signaling by EGFR in Cancer R-HSA-1643713
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling R-HSA-2454202
Signaling by FGFR2 R-HSA-5654738
Tie2 Signaling R-HSA-210993
Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network R-HSA-199418
Signaling by ALK fusions and activated point mutants R-HSA-9725370
Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer R-HSA-5637812
Activated NTRK2 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9028335
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Activated NTRK3 signals through PI3K R-HSA-9603381
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR4 R-HSA-5654716
Signaling by NTRK2 (TRKB) R-HSA-9006115
CD28 co-stimulation R-HSA-389356
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Nephrin family interactions R-HSA-373753
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Signaling by ERBB2 R-HSA-1227986
Signaling by Nuclear Receptors R-HSA-9006931
Signaling by FGFR R-HSA-190236
GAB1 signalosome R-HSA-180292
PI-3K cascade:FGFR2 R-HSA-5654695
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Immune System R-HSA-168256
PI-3K cascade:FGFR4 R-HSA-5654720
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Constitutive Signaling by EGFRvIII R-HSA-5637810
Signaling by PDGFR in disease R-HSA-9671555
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Signaling by VEGF R-HSA-194138
RET signaling R-HSA-8853659
Signaling by FGFR2 in disease R-HSA-5655253
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling R-HSA-1250342
Signaling by Type 1 Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) R-HSA-2404192
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Signaling by FGFR3 R-HSA-5654741
Signaling by PDGF R-HSA-186797
VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway R-HSA-4420097
PI-3K cascade:FGFR3 R-HSA-5654710
CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling R-HSA-389357
PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling R-HSA-1963642
Signaling by PDGFRA extracellular domain mutants R-HSA-9673770
Signaling by cytosolic FGFR1 fusion mutants R-HSA-1839117
RAC2 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013404
Signaling by FGFR1 R-HSA-5654736
FLT3 signaling in disease R-HSA-9682385
Signaling by ERBB4 R-HSA-1236394
RAC1 GTPase cycle R-HSA-9013149
PI3K/AKT activation R-HSA-198203
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall R-HSA-202733
Signaling by ERBB2 ECD mutants R-HSA-9665348
PI5P, PP2A and IER3 Regulate PI3K/AKT Signaling R-HSA-6811558
MET activates PI3K/AKT signaling R-HSA-8851907
Signaling by PDGFRA transmembrane, juxtamembrane and kinase domain mutants R-HSA-9673767
Signaling by Rho GTPases R-HSA-194315
TCR signaling R-HSA-202403
Cell-Cell communication R-HSA-1500931
Interleukin-3, Interleukin-5 and GM-CSF signaling R-HSA-512988
Signaling by MET R-HSA-6806834
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
RAF/MAP kinase cascade R-HSA-5673001
Signaling by ALK R-HSA-201556
Signaling by FGFR4 R-HSA-5654743
Signaling by Rho GTPases, Miro GTPases and RHOBTB3 R-HSA-9716542
Downstream signal transduction R-HSA-186763
IRS-mediated signalling R-HSA-112399
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Downstream TCR signaling R-HSA-202424
Downstream signaling of activated FGFR3 R-HSA-5654708
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108

Expression Atlas ENSG00000121879
LRG display in Ensembl gene LRG_310
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 5290
GeneCards 8975
HGNC Symbol HGNC:8975
MIM gene 171834
MIM morbid 619538
UniProtKB Gene Name P42336
WikiGene 5290