Ensembl ID : ENSG00000128271
Description: adenosine A2a receptor
Gene Synonyms: ADORA2,RDC8
19 APIs:
264 Possible Orthologues:

Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Activation of TRKA receptors R-HSA-187015
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
NGF-independant TRKA activation R-HSA-187024
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
NGF-independant TRKA activation R-HSA-187024
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Activation of TRKA receptors R-HSA-187015
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
NGF-independant TRKA activation R-HSA-187024
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Activation of TRKA receptors R-HSA-187015
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
NGF-independant TRKA activation R-HSA-187024
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Activation of TRKA receptors R-HSA-187015
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
NGF-independant TRKA activation R-HSA-187024
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Activation of TRKA receptors R-HSA-187015
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
NGF-independant TRKA activation R-HSA-187024
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Activation of TRKA receptors R-HSA-187015
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
NGF-independant TRKA activation R-HSA-187024
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Activation of TRKA receptors R-HSA-187015
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
NGF-independant TRKA activation R-HSA-187024
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Activation of TRKA receptors R-HSA-187015
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
NGF-independant TRKA activation R-HSA-187024
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Activation of TRKA receptors R-HSA-187015
NGF-independant TRKA activation R-HSA-187024
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Activation of TRKA receptors R-HSA-187015
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA) R-HSA-187037
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by NTRKs R-HSA-166520
Signaling by Receptor Tyrosine Kinases R-HSA-9006934
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Activation of TRKA receptors R-HSA-187015
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
NGF-independant TRKA activation R-HSA-187024
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499

Expression Atlas ENSG00000128271
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 135
GeneCards 263
HGNC Symbol HGNC:263
MIM gene 102776
UniProtKB Gene Name X5DNB4
WikiGene 135
Gene: ADRA1D
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000171873
Description: adrenoceptor alpha 1D
Gene Synonyms: ADRA1,ADRA1A,ADRA1R
30 APIs:
196 Possible Orthologues:

Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792

Expression Atlas ENSG00000171873
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 146
GeneCards 280
HGNC Symbol HGNC:280
MIM gene 104219
UniProtKB Gene Name P25100
WikiGene 146
Gene: LTB4R2
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000213906
Description: leukotriene B4 receptor 2
Gene Synonyms: BLT2,BLTR2,JULF2,NOP9
2 APIs:
238 Possible Orthologues:

G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396

Expression Atlas ENSG00000213906
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 56413
GeneCards 19260
HGNC Symbol HGNC:19260
MIM gene 605773
UniProtKB Gene Name Q9NPC1
WikiGene 56413
Gene: HTR1D
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000179546
Description: 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1D
Gene Synonyms: 5-HT1D,HT1DA,HTRL,RDC4
17 APIs:
67 Possible Orthologues:

Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790

Expression Atlas ENSG00000179546
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 3352
GeneCards 5289
HGNC Symbol HGNC:5289
MIM gene 182133
UniProtKB Gene Name P28221
WikiGene 3352
Gene: HTR2A
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000102468
Description: 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A
Gene Synonyms: 5-HT2A,HTR2
62 APIs:
217 Possible Orthologues:

GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Serotonin receptors R-HSA-390666

Expression Atlas ENSG00000102468
LRG display in Ensembl gene LRG_1008
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 3356
GeneCards 5293
HGNC Symbol HGNC:5293
MIM gene 182135
MIM morbid 608516
UniProtKB Gene Name P28223
WikiGene 3356
Gene: CHRM3
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000133019
Description: cholinergic receptor muscarinic 3
Gene Synonyms:
48 APIs:
257 Possible Orthologues:

Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors R-HSA-390648
Integration of energy metabolism R-HSA-163685
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Regulation of insulin secretion R-HSA-422356
Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion R-HSA-399997
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Regulation of insulin secretion R-HSA-422356
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion R-HSA-399997
Integration of energy metabolism R-HSA-163685
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors R-HSA-390648
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Integration of energy metabolism R-HSA-163685
Regulation of insulin secretion R-HSA-422356
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion R-HSA-399997
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors R-HSA-390648
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Regulation of insulin secretion R-HSA-422356
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors R-HSA-390648
Integration of energy metabolism R-HSA-163685
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion R-HSA-399997
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Integration of energy metabolism R-HSA-163685
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion R-HSA-399997
Regulation of insulin secretion R-HSA-422356
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors R-HSA-390648
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Regulation of insulin secretion R-HSA-422356
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors R-HSA-390648
Integration of energy metabolism R-HSA-163685
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion R-HSA-399997
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Regulation of insulin secretion R-HSA-422356
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Integration of energy metabolism R-HSA-163685
Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion R-HSA-399997
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors R-HSA-390648
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors R-HSA-390648
Regulation of insulin secretion R-HSA-422356
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion R-HSA-399997
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Integration of energy metabolism R-HSA-163685
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion R-HSA-399997
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors R-HSA-390648
Regulation of insulin secretion R-HSA-422356
Integration of energy metabolism R-HSA-163685
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280

Expression Atlas ENSG00000133019
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 1131
GeneCards 1952
HGNC Symbol HGNC:1952
MIM gene 118494
MIM morbid 100100
UniProtKB Gene Name P20309
WikiGene 1131
Gene: PTGER4
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000171522
Description: prostaglandin E receptor 4
Gene Synonyms: EP4
3 APIs:
275 Possible Orthologues:

GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Prostanoid ligand receptors R-HSA-391908
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Prostanoid ligand receptors R-HSA-391908
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Prostanoid ligand receptors R-HSA-391908
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Prostanoid ligand receptors R-HSA-391908
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Prostanoid ligand receptors R-HSA-391908
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Prostanoid ligand receptors R-HSA-391908
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Prostanoid ligand receptors R-HSA-391908
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Prostanoid ligand receptors R-HSA-391908
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Prostanoid ligand receptors R-HSA-391908
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396

Expression Atlas ENSG00000171522
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 5734
GeneCards 9596
HGNC Symbol HGNC:9596
MIM gene 601586
UniProtKB Gene Name P35408
WikiGene 5734
Gene: SSTR2
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000180616
Description: somatostatin receptor 2
Gene Synonyms:
7 APIs:
264 Possible Orthologues:

Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582

Expression Atlas ENSG00000180616
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 6752
GeneCards 11331
HGNC Symbol HGNC:11331
MIM gene 182452
UniProtKB Gene Name P30874
WikiGene 6752