Gene: HTR3A
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000166736
Description: 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A
Gene Synonyms: 5-HT3A,5-HT3R,HTR3
19 APIs:
207 Possible Orthologues:

Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Neuronal System R-HSA-112316
Neurotransmitter receptors and postsynaptic signal transmission R-HSA-112314
Transmission across Chemical Synapses R-HSA-112315

Expression Atlas ENSG00000166736
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 3359
GeneCards 5297
HGNC Symbol HGNC:5297
MIM gene 182139
UniProtKB Gene Name P46098
WikiGene 3359
Gene: FOLR1
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000110195
Description: folate receptor alpha
Gene Synonyms: FOLR,FRA
3 APIs:
203 Possible Orthologues:

Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification R-HSA-948021
COPI-mediated anterograde transport R-HSA-6807878
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport R-HSA-199977
Asparagine N-linked glycosylation R-HSA-446203
Cargo concentration in the ER R-HSA-5694530
COPII-mediated vesicle transport R-HSA-204005
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
COPI-mediated anterograde transport R-HSA-6807878
Asparagine N-linked glycosylation R-HSA-446203
ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport R-HSA-199977
COPII-mediated vesicle transport R-HSA-204005
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Cargo concentration in the ER R-HSA-5694530
Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification R-HSA-948021
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Asparagine N-linked glycosylation R-HSA-446203
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
Cargo concentration in the ER R-HSA-5694530
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
COPII-mediated vesicle transport R-HSA-204005
Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification R-HSA-948021
COPI-mediated anterograde transport R-HSA-6807878
ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport R-HSA-199977
Asparagine N-linked glycosylation R-HSA-446203
Cargo concentration in the ER R-HSA-5694530
ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport R-HSA-199977
COPI-mediated anterograde transport R-HSA-6807878
COPII-mediated vesicle transport R-HSA-204005
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification R-HSA-948021
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification R-HSA-948021
Cargo concentration in the ER R-HSA-5694530
Asparagine N-linked glycosylation R-HSA-446203
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
COPI-mediated anterograde transport R-HSA-6807878
COPII-mediated vesicle transport R-HSA-204005
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport R-HSA-199977
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport R-HSA-199977
Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification R-HSA-948021
Cargo concentration in the ER R-HSA-5694530
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
COPI-mediated anterograde transport R-HSA-6807878
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
Asparagine N-linked glycosylation R-HSA-446203
COPII-mediated vesicle transport R-HSA-204005
Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification R-HSA-948021
COPII-mediated vesicle transport R-HSA-204005
COPI-mediated anterograde transport R-HSA-6807878
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Cargo concentration in the ER R-HSA-5694530
ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport R-HSA-199977
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
Asparagine N-linked glycosylation R-HSA-446203
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Asparagine N-linked glycosylation R-HSA-446203
COPI-mediated anterograde transport R-HSA-6807878
COPII-mediated vesicle transport R-HSA-204005
ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport R-HSA-199977
Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification R-HSA-948021
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Cargo concentration in the ER R-HSA-5694530
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
COPII-mediated vesicle transport R-HSA-204005
ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport R-HSA-199977
COPI-mediated anterograde transport R-HSA-6807878
Vesicle-mediated transport R-HSA-5653656
Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification R-HSA-948021
Asparagine N-linked glycosylation R-HSA-446203
Membrane Trafficking R-HSA-199991
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
Cargo concentration in the ER R-HSA-5694530
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499

Expression Atlas ENSG00000110195
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 2348
GeneCards 3791
HGNC Symbol HGNC:3791
MIM gene 136430
MIM morbid 613068
UniProtKB Gene Name P15328
WikiGene 2348
Gene: GLP2R
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000065325
Description: glucagon like peptide 2 receptor
Gene Synonyms:
3 APIs:
205 Possible Orthologues:

GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors) R-HSA-373080
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Glucagon-type ligand receptors R-HSA-420092
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Glucagon-type ligand receptors R-HSA-420092
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors) R-HSA-373080
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Glucagon-type ligand receptors R-HSA-420092
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors) R-HSA-373080
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors) R-HSA-373080
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Glucagon-type ligand receptors R-HSA-420092
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Glucagon-type ligand receptors R-HSA-420092
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors) R-HSA-373080
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Glucagon-type ligand receptors R-HSA-420092
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors) R-HSA-373080
Glucagon-type ligand receptors R-HSA-420092
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors) R-HSA-373080
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Glucagon-type ligand receptors R-HSA-420092
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors) R-HSA-373080
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Glucagon-type ligand receptors R-HSA-420092
Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors) R-HSA-373080
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Glucagon-type ligand receptors R-HSA-420092
Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors) R-HSA-373080
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792

Expression Atlas ENSG00000065325
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 9340
GeneCards 4325
HGNC Symbol HGNC:4325
MIM gene 603659
UniProtKB Gene Name O95838
WikiGene 9340
Gene: LTB4R
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000213903
Description: leukotriene B4 receptor
Gene Synonyms: BLTR,CMKRL1,GPR16,LTB4R1,P2RY7,P2Y7
4 APIs:
141 Possible Orthologues:

Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Leukotriene receptors R-HSA-391906
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-391903
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476

Expression Atlas ENSG00000213903
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 1241
GeneCards 6713
HGNC Symbol HGNC:6713
MIM gene 601531
UniProtKB Gene Name Q15722
WikiGene 1241
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000170425
Description: adenosine A2b receptor
Gene Synonyms:
5 APIs:
201 Possible Orthologues:

Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
ADORA2B mediated anti-inflammatory cytokines production R-HSA-9660821
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Leishmania parasite growth and survival R-HSA-9664433
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Leishmania infection R-HSA-9658195
Anti-inflammatory response favouring Leishmania parasite infection R-HSA-9662851
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Disease R-HSA-1643685
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Anti-inflammatory response favouring Leishmania parasite infection R-HSA-9662851
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Leishmania parasite growth and survival R-HSA-9664433
Leishmania infection R-HSA-9658195
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
ADORA2B mediated anti-inflammatory cytokines production R-HSA-9660821
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Leishmania parasite growth and survival R-HSA-9664433
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Anti-inflammatory response favouring Leishmania parasite infection R-HSA-9662851
ADORA2B mediated anti-inflammatory cytokines production R-HSA-9660821
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Leishmania infection R-HSA-9658195
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Anti-inflammatory response favouring Leishmania parasite infection R-HSA-9662851
ADORA2B mediated anti-inflammatory cytokines production R-HSA-9660821
Leishmania parasite growth and survival R-HSA-9664433
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Leishmania infection R-HSA-9658195
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Leishmania infection R-HSA-9658195
Leishmania parasite growth and survival R-HSA-9664433
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
ADORA2B mediated anti-inflammatory cytokines production R-HSA-9660821
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Anti-inflammatory response favouring Leishmania parasite infection R-HSA-9662851
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Leishmania parasite growth and survival R-HSA-9664433
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Anti-inflammatory response favouring Leishmania parasite infection R-HSA-9662851
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Disease R-HSA-1643685
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
ADORA2B mediated anti-inflammatory cytokines production R-HSA-9660821
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Leishmania infection R-HSA-9658195
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Leishmania infection R-HSA-9658195
Leishmania parasite growth and survival R-HSA-9664433
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Anti-inflammatory response favouring Leishmania parasite infection R-HSA-9662851
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
ADORA2B mediated anti-inflammatory cytokines production R-HSA-9660821
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Leishmania infection R-HSA-9658195
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Leishmania parasite growth and survival R-HSA-9664433
Disease R-HSA-1643685
ADORA2B mediated anti-inflammatory cytokines production R-HSA-9660821
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Anti-inflammatory response favouring Leishmania parasite infection R-HSA-9662851
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
ADORA2B mediated anti-inflammatory cytokines production R-HSA-9660821
Leishmania parasite growth and survival R-HSA-9664433
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Leishmania infection R-HSA-9658195
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Disease R-HSA-1643685
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Anti-inflammatory response favouring Leishmania parasite infection R-HSA-9662851
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Leishmania parasite growth and survival R-HSA-9664433
Leishmania infection R-HSA-9658195
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
ADORA2B mediated anti-inflammatory cytokines production R-HSA-9660821
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Anti-inflammatory response favouring Leishmania parasite infection R-HSA-9662851
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Adenosine P1 receptors R-HSA-417973
Nucleotide-like (purinergic) receptors R-HSA-418038
Leishmania infection R-HSA-9658195
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Surfactant metabolism R-HSA-5683826
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
ADORA2B mediated anti-inflammatory cytokines production R-HSA-9660821
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Leishmania parasite growth and survival R-HSA-9664433
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Anti-inflammatory response favouring Leishmania parasite infection R-HSA-9662851

Expression Atlas ENSG00000170425
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 136
GeneCards 264
HGNC Symbol HGNC:264
MIM gene 600446
UniProtKB Gene Name P29275
WikiGene 136
Gene: ADRA1D
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000171873
Description: adrenoceptor alpha 1D
Gene Synonyms: ADRA1,ADRA1A,ADRA1R
30 APIs:
196 Possible Orthologues:

Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
G alpha (12/13) signalling events R-HSA-416482
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Adrenoceptors R-HSA-390696
Amine ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375280
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792

Expression Atlas ENSG00000171873
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 146
GeneCards 280
HGNC Symbol HGNC:280
MIM gene 104219
UniProtKB Gene Name P25100
WikiGene 146
Gene: ITGB5
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000082781
Description: integrin subunit beta 5
Gene Synonyms:
3 APIs:
212 Possible Orthologues:

Signaling by TGFB family members R-HSA-9006936
Molecules associated with elastic fibres R-HSA-2129379
Syndecan interactions R-HSA-3000170
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Elastic fibre formation R-HSA-1566948
Extracellular matrix organization R-HSA-1474244
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) R-HSA-1236973
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex R-HSA-170834
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
ECM proteoglycans R-HSA-3000178
Antigen processing-Cross presentation R-HSA-1236975
Integrin cell surface interactions R-HSA-216083
Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions R-HSA-3000171
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation R-HSA-983169
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs R-HSA-2173789
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) R-HSA-1236973
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs R-HSA-2173789
Integrin cell surface interactions R-HSA-216083
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Syndecan interactions R-HSA-3000170
Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions R-HSA-3000171
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Molecules associated with elastic fibres R-HSA-2129379
Antigen processing-Cross presentation R-HSA-1236975
Elastic fibre formation R-HSA-1566948
Signaling by TGFB family members R-HSA-9006936
Extracellular matrix organization R-HSA-1474244
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
ECM proteoglycans R-HSA-3000178
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex R-HSA-170834
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation R-HSA-983169
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex R-HSA-170834
Antigen processing-Cross presentation R-HSA-1236975
Molecules associated with elastic fibres R-HSA-2129379
ECM proteoglycans R-HSA-3000178
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Extracellular matrix organization R-HSA-1474244
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation R-HSA-983169
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs R-HSA-2173789
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) R-HSA-1236973
Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions R-HSA-3000171
Integrin cell surface interactions R-HSA-216083
Signaling by TGFB family members R-HSA-9006936
Syndecan interactions R-HSA-3000170
Elastic fibre formation R-HSA-1566948
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Signaling by TGFB family members R-HSA-9006936
Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions R-HSA-3000171
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Elastic fibre formation R-HSA-1566948
Antigen processing-Cross presentation R-HSA-1236975
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Syndecan interactions R-HSA-3000170
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) R-HSA-1236973
Extracellular matrix organization R-HSA-1474244
ECM proteoglycans R-HSA-3000178
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Integrin cell surface interactions R-HSA-216083
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation R-HSA-983169
Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex R-HSA-170834
Molecules associated with elastic fibres R-HSA-2129379
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs R-HSA-2173789
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) R-HSA-1236973
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Elastic fibre formation R-HSA-1566948
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs R-HSA-2173789
Signaling by TGFB family members R-HSA-9006936
Extracellular matrix organization R-HSA-1474244
Antigen processing-Cross presentation R-HSA-1236975
Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions R-HSA-3000171
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation R-HSA-983169
Molecules associated with elastic fibres R-HSA-2129379
Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex R-HSA-170834
Syndecan interactions R-HSA-3000170
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Immune System R-HSA-168256
ECM proteoglycans R-HSA-3000178
Integrin cell surface interactions R-HSA-216083
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Integrin cell surface interactions R-HSA-216083
Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex R-HSA-170834
Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions R-HSA-3000171
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Antigen processing-Cross presentation R-HSA-1236975
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs R-HSA-2173789
Syndecan interactions R-HSA-3000170
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Molecules associated with elastic fibres R-HSA-2129379
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) R-HSA-1236973
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Extracellular matrix organization R-HSA-1474244
Elastic fibre formation R-HSA-1566948
Signaling by TGFB family members R-HSA-9006936
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation R-HSA-983169
ECM proteoglycans R-HSA-3000178
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation R-HSA-983169
Syndecan interactions R-HSA-3000170
Molecules associated with elastic fibres R-HSA-2129379
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) R-HSA-1236973
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Antigen processing-Cross presentation R-HSA-1236975
Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions R-HSA-3000171
Signaling by TGFB family members R-HSA-9006936
Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex R-HSA-170834
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs R-HSA-2173789
ECM proteoglycans R-HSA-3000178
Integrin cell surface interactions R-HSA-216083
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Elastic fibre formation R-HSA-1566948
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Extracellular matrix organization R-HSA-1474244
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Integrin cell surface interactions R-HSA-216083
Syndecan interactions R-HSA-3000170
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Molecules associated with elastic fibres R-HSA-2129379
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation R-HSA-983169
ECM proteoglycans R-HSA-3000178
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs R-HSA-2173789
Signaling by TGFB family members R-HSA-9006936
Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions R-HSA-3000171
Elastic fibre formation R-HSA-1566948
Antigen processing-Cross presentation R-HSA-1236975
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) R-HSA-1236973
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Extracellular matrix organization R-HSA-1474244
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex R-HSA-170834
ECM proteoglycans R-HSA-3000178
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs R-HSA-2173789
Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions R-HSA-3000171
Integrin cell surface interactions R-HSA-216083
Syndecan interactions R-HSA-3000170
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation R-HSA-983169
Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex R-HSA-170834
Elastic fibre formation R-HSA-1566948
Signaling by TGFB family members R-HSA-9006936
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Antigen processing-Cross presentation R-HSA-1236975
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Molecules associated with elastic fibres R-HSA-2129379
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Extracellular matrix organization R-HSA-1474244
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) R-HSA-1236973
Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex R-HSA-170834
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) R-HSA-1236973
Elastic fibre formation R-HSA-1566948
Extracellular matrix organization R-HSA-1474244
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Signaling by TGFB family members R-HSA-9006936
Integrin cell surface interactions R-HSA-216083
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation R-HSA-983169
Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions R-HSA-3000171
ECM proteoglycans R-HSA-3000178
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Molecules associated with elastic fibres R-HSA-2129379
Syndecan interactions R-HSA-3000170
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs R-HSA-2173789
Antigen processing-Cross presentation R-HSA-1236975
Molecules associated with elastic fibres R-HSA-2129379
Extracellular matrix organization R-HSA-1474244
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by TGFB family members R-HSA-9006936
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Adaptive Immune System R-HSA-1280218
Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions R-HSA-3000171
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Syndecan interactions R-HSA-3000170
Integrin cell surface interactions R-HSA-216083
ECM proteoglycans R-HSA-3000178
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Elastic fibre formation R-HSA-1566948
Cross-presentation of particulate exogenous antigens (phagosomes) R-HSA-1236973
Antigen processing-Cross presentation R-HSA-1236975
Class I MHC mediated antigen processing & presentation R-HSA-983169
Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex R-HSA-170834
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs R-HSA-2173789

Expression Atlas ENSG00000082781
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 3693
GeneCards 6160
HGNC Symbol HGNC:6160
MIM gene 147561
UniProtKB Gene Name V9GZ57
WikiGene 3693
Gene: AVPR1A
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000166148
Description: arginine vasopressin receptor 1A
Gene Synonyms: AVPR1
8 APIs:
268 Possible Orthologues:

GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Disease R-HSA-1643685
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Disease R-HSA-1643685
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Disease R-HSA-1643685
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076
G alpha (q) signalling events R-HSA-416476
Disease R-HSA-1643685
GPCR ligand binding R-HSA-500792
Vasopressin-like receptors R-HSA-388479
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Peptide ligand-binding receptors R-HSA-375276
SLC transporter disorders R-HSA-5619102
Defective AVP does not bind AVPR1A,B and causes neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (NDI) R-HSA-5619099
Disorders of transmembrane transporters R-HSA-5619115
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) R-HSA-373076

Expression Atlas ENSG00000166148
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 552
GeneCards 895
HGNC Symbol HGNC:895
MIM gene 600821
UniProtKB Gene Name X5D2B0
WikiGene 552