Ensembl ID : ENSG00000087586
Description: aurora kinase A
10 APIs:
229 Possible Orthologues:

APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 R-HSA-174178
G2/M Transition R-HSA-69275
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins R-HSA-174143
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Mitotic G2-G2/M phases R-HSA-453274
Interaction between PHLDA1 and AURKA R-HSA-8854521
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Cell Cycle Genes R-HSA-6791312
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest R-HSA-6804114
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
SUMOylation R-HSA-2990846
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 R-HSA-3700989
Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition R-HSA-2565942
Regulation of TP53 Activity R-HSA-5633007
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
FBXL7 down-regulates AURKA during mitotic entry and in early mitosis R-HSA-8854050
AURKA Activation by TPX2 R-HSA-8854518
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation R-HSA-6804756
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins R-HSA-4615885
Regulation of mitotic cell cycle R-HSA-453276
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins R-HSA-3108232
Interaction between PHLDA1 and AURKA R-HSA-8854521
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Cell Cycle Genes R-HSA-6791312
Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition R-HSA-2565942
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 R-HSA-3700989
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
AURKA Activation by TPX2 R-HSA-8854518
Regulation of TP53 Activity R-HSA-5633007
SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins R-HSA-3108232
APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins R-HSA-174143
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation R-HSA-6804756
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Regulation of mitotic cell cycle R-HSA-453276
APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 R-HSA-174178
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
SUMOylation R-HSA-2990846
Mitotic G2-G2/M phases R-HSA-453274
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins R-HSA-4615885
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
FBXL7 down-regulates AURKA during mitotic entry and in early mitosis R-HSA-8854050
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest R-HSA-6804114
G2/M Transition R-HSA-69275
FBXL7 down-regulates AURKA during mitotic entry and in early mitosis R-HSA-8854050
G2/M Transition R-HSA-69275
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Cell Cycle Genes R-HSA-6791312
Interaction between PHLDA1 and AURKA R-HSA-8854521
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition R-HSA-2565942
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation R-HSA-6804756
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 R-HSA-3700989
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins R-HSA-3108232
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins R-HSA-4615885
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Regulation of mitotic cell cycle R-HSA-453276
APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 R-HSA-174178
Mitotic G2-G2/M phases R-HSA-453274
SUMOylation R-HSA-2990846
AURKA Activation by TPX2 R-HSA-8854518
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest R-HSA-6804114
APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins R-HSA-174143
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Regulation of TP53 Activity R-HSA-5633007
Regulation of mitotic cell cycle R-HSA-453276
AURKA Activation by TPX2 R-HSA-8854518
Interaction between PHLDA1 and AURKA R-HSA-8854521
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Cell Cycle Genes R-HSA-6791312
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation R-HSA-6804756
SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins R-HSA-3108232
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins R-HSA-4615885
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
Regulation of TP53 Activity R-HSA-5633007
Mitotic G2-G2/M phases R-HSA-453274
APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 R-HSA-174178
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest R-HSA-6804114
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
G2/M Transition R-HSA-69275
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 R-HSA-3700989
SUMOylation R-HSA-2990846
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition R-HSA-2565942
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins R-HSA-174143
FBXL7 down-regulates AURKA during mitotic entry and in early mitosis R-HSA-8854050
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest R-HSA-6804114
Regulation of TP53 Activity R-HSA-5633007
AURKA Activation by TPX2 R-HSA-8854518
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation R-HSA-6804756
APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 R-HSA-174178
SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins R-HSA-3108232
Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition R-HSA-2565942
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins R-HSA-4615885
Regulation of mitotic cell cycle R-HSA-453276
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Cell Cycle Genes R-HSA-6791312
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins R-HSA-174143
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Mitotic G2-G2/M phases R-HSA-453274
G2/M Transition R-HSA-69275
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
SUMOylation R-HSA-2990846
Interaction between PHLDA1 and AURKA R-HSA-8854521
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 R-HSA-3700989
FBXL7 down-regulates AURKA during mitotic entry and in early mitosis R-HSA-8854050
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 R-HSA-3700989
Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition R-HSA-2565942
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Cell Cycle Genes R-HSA-6791312
Interaction between PHLDA1 and AURKA R-HSA-8854521
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest R-HSA-6804114
SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins R-HSA-3108232
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins R-HSA-4615885
AURKA Activation by TPX2 R-HSA-8854518
Regulation of mitotic cell cycle R-HSA-453276
G2/M Transition R-HSA-69275
APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 R-HSA-174178
SUMOylation R-HSA-2990846
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins R-HSA-174143
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Regulation of TP53 Activity R-HSA-5633007
FBXL7 down-regulates AURKA during mitotic entry and in early mitosis R-HSA-8854050
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation R-HSA-6804756
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Mitotic G2-G2/M phases R-HSA-453274
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
AURKA Activation by TPX2 R-HSA-8854518
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Cell Cycle Genes R-HSA-6791312
APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins R-HSA-174143
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins R-HSA-3108232
FBXL7 down-regulates AURKA during mitotic entry and in early mitosis R-HSA-8854050
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Mitotic G2-G2/M phases R-HSA-453274
SUMOylation R-HSA-2990846
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 R-HSA-3700989
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins R-HSA-4615885
Regulation of TP53 Activity R-HSA-5633007
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 R-HSA-174178
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation R-HSA-6804756
Regulation of mitotic cell cycle R-HSA-453276
Interaction between PHLDA1 and AURKA R-HSA-8854521
G2/M Transition R-HSA-69275
Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition R-HSA-2565942
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest R-HSA-6804114
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Interaction between PHLDA1 and AURKA R-HSA-8854521
APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins R-HSA-174143
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest R-HSA-6804114
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Cell Cycle Genes R-HSA-6791312
FBXL7 down-regulates AURKA during mitotic entry and in early mitosis R-HSA-8854050
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins R-HSA-4615885
Regulation of TP53 Activity R-HSA-5633007
G2/M Transition R-HSA-69275
Regulation of mitotic cell cycle R-HSA-453276
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation R-HSA-6804756
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins R-HSA-3108232
Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition R-HSA-2565942
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 R-HSA-174178
AURKA Activation by TPX2 R-HSA-8854518
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 R-HSA-3700989
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
SUMOylation R-HSA-2990846
Mitotic G2-G2/M phases R-HSA-453274
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Cell Cycle Genes R-HSA-6791312
Mitotic G2-G2/M phases R-HSA-453274
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition R-HSA-2565942
AURKA Activation by TPX2 R-HSA-8854518
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Regulation of mitotic cell cycle R-HSA-453276
FBXL7 down-regulates AURKA during mitotic entry and in early mitosis R-HSA-8854050
APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins R-HSA-174143
G2/M Transition R-HSA-69275
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 R-HSA-3700989
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
SUMOylation R-HSA-2990846
APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 R-HSA-174178
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins R-HSA-4615885
Regulation of TP53 Activity R-HSA-5633007
Interaction between PHLDA1 and AURKA R-HSA-8854521
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest R-HSA-6804114
SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins R-HSA-3108232
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation R-HSA-6804756
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 R-HSA-3700989
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest R-HSA-6804114
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins R-HSA-174143
G2/M Transition R-HSA-69275
FBXL7 down-regulates AURKA during mitotic entry and in early mitosis R-HSA-8854050
Regulation of TP53 Activity R-HSA-5633007
Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition R-HSA-2565942
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Cell Cycle Genes R-HSA-6791312
AURKA Activation by TPX2 R-HSA-8854518
Interaction between PHLDA1 and AURKA R-HSA-8854521
SUMOylation R-HSA-2990846
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins R-HSA-4615885
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation R-HSA-6804756
SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins R-HSA-3108232
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Regulation of mitotic cell cycle R-HSA-453276
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Mitotic G2-G2/M phases R-HSA-453274
APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 R-HSA-174178
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Phosphorylation R-HSA-6804756
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Post-translational protein modification R-HSA-597592
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G2 Cell Cycle Arrest R-HSA-6804114
Regulation of PLK1 Activity at G2/M Transition R-HSA-2565942
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins R-HSA-4615885
Regulation of TP53 Activity R-HSA-5633007
Interaction between PHLDA1 and AURKA R-HSA-8854521
APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins R-HSA-174143
Mitotic G2-G2/M phases R-HSA-453274
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Regulation of mitotic cell cycle R-HSA-453276
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Transcriptional Regulation by TP53 R-HSA-3700989
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Cell Cycle Genes R-HSA-6791312
G2/M Transition R-HSA-69275
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
SUMOylation R-HSA-2990846
APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1 R-HSA-174178
FBXL7 down-regulates AURKA during mitotic entry and in early mitosis R-HSA-8854050
SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins R-HSA-3108232
AURKA Activation by TPX2 R-HSA-8854518

Expression Atlas ENSG00000087586
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 6790
GeneCards 11393
HGNC Symbol HGNC:11393
MIM gene 603072
MIM morbid 114500
UniProtKB Gene Name Q5QPD4
WikiGene 6790
Gene: GSK3A
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000105723
Description: glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha
Gene Synonyms:
4 APIs:
259 Possible Orthologues:

Late SARS-CoV-2 Infection Events R-HSA-9772573
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis R-HSA-9635486
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
IRE1alpha activates chaperones R-HSA-381070
AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol R-HSA-198323
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9683701
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis R-HSA-9635486
Disease R-HSA-1643685
XBP1(S) activates chaperone genes R-HSA-381038
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9683610
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) R-HSA-381119
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9694631
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer R-HSA-5674400
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis R-HSA-9637690
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9694635
Suppression of apoptosis R-HSA-9635465
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9683701
Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer R-HSA-5674400
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis R-HSA-9635486
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9694635
Suppression of apoptosis R-HSA-9635465
IRE1alpha activates chaperones R-HSA-381070
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9694631
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Late SARS-CoV-2 Infection Events R-HSA-9772573
XBP1(S) activates chaperone genes R-HSA-381038
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis R-HSA-9637690
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9683610
AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol R-HSA-198323
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) R-HSA-381119
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer R-HSA-5674400
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol R-HSA-198323
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) R-HSA-381119
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis R-HSA-9637690
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9694631
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
XBP1(S) activates chaperone genes R-HSA-381038
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Late SARS-CoV-2 Infection Events R-HSA-9772573
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9683610
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9683701
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Disease R-HSA-1643685
IRE1alpha activates chaperones R-HSA-381070
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis R-HSA-9635486
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9694635
Suppression of apoptosis R-HSA-9635465
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol R-HSA-198323
XBP1(S) activates chaperone genes R-HSA-381038
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis R-HSA-9637690
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis R-HSA-9635486
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
IRE1alpha activates chaperones R-HSA-381070
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9694635
Suppression of apoptosis R-HSA-9635465
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9683610
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer R-HSA-5674400
Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) R-HSA-381119
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9694631
Late SARS-CoV-2 Infection Events R-HSA-9772573
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9683701
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9683701
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
XBP1(S) activates chaperone genes R-HSA-381038
AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol R-HSA-198323
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Late SARS-CoV-2 Infection Events R-HSA-9772573
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis R-HSA-9637690
Suppression of apoptosis R-HSA-9635465
Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer R-HSA-5674400
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9694635
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9683610
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9694631
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) R-HSA-381119
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
IRE1alpha activates chaperones R-HSA-381070
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis R-HSA-9635486
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis R-HSA-9637690
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis R-HSA-9635486
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
XBP1(S) activates chaperone genes R-HSA-381038
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9683701
Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) R-HSA-381119
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer R-HSA-5674400
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol R-HSA-198323
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9683610
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9694635
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9694631
IRE1alpha activates chaperones R-HSA-381070
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Suppression of apoptosis R-HSA-9635465
Late SARS-CoV-2 Infection Events R-HSA-9772573
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9683701
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9694635
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Suppression of apoptosis R-HSA-9635465
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9694631
XBP1(S) activates chaperone genes R-HSA-381038
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) R-HSA-381119
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer R-HSA-5674400
IRE1alpha activates chaperones R-HSA-381070
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9683610
AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol R-HSA-198323
Late SARS-CoV-2 Infection Events R-HSA-9772573
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis R-HSA-9637690
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis R-HSA-9635486
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) R-HSA-381119
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer R-HSA-5674400
AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol R-HSA-198323
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis R-HSA-9635486
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis R-HSA-9637690
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Late SARS-CoV-2 Infection Events R-HSA-9772573
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9694635
Disease R-HSA-1643685
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9694631
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Suppression of apoptosis R-HSA-9635465
XBP1(S) activates chaperone genes R-HSA-381038
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9683701
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
IRE1alpha activates chaperones R-HSA-381070
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9683610
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) R-HSA-381119
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9694631
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol R-HSA-198323
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9694635
XBP1(S) activates chaperone genes R-HSA-381038
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis R-HSA-9637690
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9683610
IRE1alpha activates chaperones R-HSA-381070
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Late SARS-CoV-2 Infection Events R-HSA-9772573
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9683701
Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer R-HSA-5674400
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis R-HSA-9635486
Disease R-HSA-1643685
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Suppression of apoptosis R-HSA-9635465
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
IRE1alpha activates chaperones R-HSA-381070
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) R-HSA-381119
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9694635
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer R-HSA-5674400
Disease R-HSA-1643685
XBP1(S) activates chaperone genes R-HSA-381038
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Late SARS-CoV-2 Infection Events R-HSA-9772573
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9683610
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9694631
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis R-HSA-9635486
AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol R-HSA-198323
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9683701
Suppression of apoptosis R-HSA-9635465
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis R-HSA-9637690
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9694631
AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol R-HSA-198323
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
SARS-CoV-1 Infection R-HSA-9678108
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9694635
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
IRE1alpha activates chaperones R-HSA-381070
Suppression of apoptosis R-HSA-9635465
PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer R-HSA-2219528
Response of Mtb to phagocytosis R-HSA-9637690
Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer R-HSA-5674400
Late SARS-CoV-2 Infection Events R-HSA-9772573
Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) R-HSA-381119
PIP3 activates AKT signaling R-HSA-1257604
Translation of Structural Proteins R-HSA-9683701
Maturation of nucleoprotein R-HSA-9683610
SARS-CoV-2 Infection R-HSA-9694516
Cellular responses to stress R-HSA-2262752
XBP1(S) activates chaperone genes R-HSA-381038
Diseases of signal transduction by growth factor receptors and second messengers R-HSA-5663202
Cellular responses to stimuli R-HSA-8953897
Intracellular signaling by second messengers R-HSA-9006925

Expression Atlas ENSG00000105723
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 2931
GeneCards 4616
HGNC Symbol HGNC:4616
MIM gene 606784
UniProtKB Gene Name P49840
WikiGene 2931
Gene: PDE4C
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000105650
Description: phosphodiesterase 4C
Gene Synonyms: DPDE1
23 APIs:
88 Possible Orthologues:

GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Opioid Signalling R-HSA-111885
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
DARPP-32 events R-HSA-180024
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
DARPP-32 events R-HSA-180024
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Opioid Signalling R-HSA-111885
Opioid Signalling R-HSA-111885
DARPP-32 events R-HSA-180024
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
DARPP-32 events R-HSA-180024
Opioid Signalling R-HSA-111885
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
DARPP-32 events R-HSA-180024
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Opioid Signalling R-HSA-111885
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
DARPP-32 events R-HSA-180024
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Opioid Signalling R-HSA-111885
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
DARPP-32 events R-HSA-180024
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Opioid Signalling R-HSA-111885
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
DARPP-32 events R-HSA-180024
G alpha (i) signalling events R-HSA-418594
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Opioid Signalling R-HSA-111885
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555

Expression Atlas ENSG00000105650
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 5143
GeneCards 8782
HGNC Symbol HGNC:8782
MIM gene 600128
UniProtKB Gene Name V9GYP2
WikiGene 5143
Gene: CA7
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000168748
Description: carbonic anhydrase 7
Gene Synonyms:
3 APIs:
221 Possible Orthologues:

Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728

Expression Atlas ENSG00000168748
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 766
GeneCards 1381
HGNC Symbol HGNC:1381
MIM gene 114770
UniProtKB Gene Name P43166
WikiGene 766
Gene: MAP3K10
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000130758
Description: mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 10
Gene Synonyms: MEKK10,MLK2,MST
1 APIs:
186 Possible Orthologues:

Expression Atlas ENSG00000130758
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 4294
GeneCards 6849
HGNC Symbol HGNC:6849
MIM gene 600137
UniProtKB Gene Name Q02779
WikiGene 4294
Gene: GUCY1B1
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000061918
Description: guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta 1
Gene Synonyms: GC-S-BETA-1,GC-SB3,GUC1B3,GUCY1B3
13 APIs:
211 Possible Orthologues:

Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase R-HSA-392154
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Platelet homeostasis R-HSA-418346
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Platelet homeostasis R-HSA-418346
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase R-HSA-392154
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase R-HSA-392154
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Platelet homeostasis R-HSA-418346
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Platelet homeostasis R-HSA-418346
Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase R-HSA-392154
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase R-HSA-392154
Platelet homeostasis R-HSA-418346
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Platelet homeostasis R-HSA-418346
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase R-HSA-392154
Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase R-HSA-392154
Platelet homeostasis R-HSA-418346
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase R-HSA-392154
Platelet homeostasis R-HSA-418346
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Platelet homeostasis R-HSA-418346
Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase R-HSA-392154
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase R-HSA-392154
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Platelet homeostasis R-HSA-418346
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Smooth Muscle Contraction R-HSA-445355
Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase R-HSA-392154
Platelet homeostasis R-HSA-418346

Expression Atlas ENSG00000061918
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 2983
GeneCards 4687
HGNC Symbol HGNC:4687
MIM gene 139397
UniProtKB Gene Name Q02153
WikiGene 2983
Gene: PIK3R5
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000141506
Description: phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 5
Gene Synonyms: P101,P101-PI3K
26 APIs:
256 Possible Orthologues:

Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G-protein beta:gamma signalling R-HSA-397795
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma R-HSA-392451
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
G-protein beta:gamma signalling R-HSA-397795
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma R-HSA-392451
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
G-protein beta:gamma signalling R-HSA-397795
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma R-HSA-392451
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma R-HSA-392451
G-protein beta:gamma signalling R-HSA-397795
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma R-HSA-392451
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
G-protein beta:gamma signalling R-HSA-397795
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G-protein beta:gamma signalling R-HSA-397795
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma R-HSA-392451
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma R-HSA-392451
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
G-protein beta:gamma signalling R-HSA-397795
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
G-protein beta:gamma signalling R-HSA-397795
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma R-HSA-392451
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G-protein beta:gamma signalling R-HSA-397795
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma R-HSA-392451
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Phospholipid metabolism R-HSA-1483257
Signaling by Erythropoietin R-HSA-9006335
PI Metabolism R-HSA-1483255
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma R-HSA-392451
GPVI-mediated activation cascade R-HSA-114604
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
G-protein beta:gamma signalling R-HSA-397795
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation R-HSA-76002
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Erythropoietin activates Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) R-HSA-9027276
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane R-HSA-1660499

Expression Atlas ENSG00000141506
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 23533
GeneCards 30035
HGNC Symbol HGNC:30035
MIM gene 611317
MIM morbid 615217
UniProtKB Gene Name X6R3K3
WikiGene 23533
Gene: PDE7B
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000171408
Description: phosphodiesterase 7B
Gene Synonyms:
1 APIs:
174 Possible Orthologues:

Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
GPCR downstream signalling R-HSA-388396
Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
G alpha (s) signalling events R-HSA-418555
Signaling by GPCR R-HSA-372790

Expression Atlas ENSG00000171408
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 27115
GeneCards 8792
HGNC Symbol HGNC:8792
MIM gene 604645
UniProtKB Gene Name Q9NP56
WikiGene 27115