Gene: GBA1
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000177628
Description: glucosylceramidase beta 1
Gene Synonyms: GBA,GLUC
1 APIs:
245 Possible Orthologues:

Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis R-HSA-390471
Glycosphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-1660662
Protein folding R-HSA-391251
Sphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-428157
Chaperonin-mediated protein folding R-HSA-390466
Protein folding R-HSA-391251
Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis R-HSA-390471
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Sphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-428157
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Glycosphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-1660662
Chaperonin-mediated protein folding R-HSA-390466
Chaperonin-mediated protein folding R-HSA-390466
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis R-HSA-390471
Sphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-428157
Glycosphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-1660662
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Protein folding R-HSA-391251
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Glycosphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-1660662
Protein folding R-HSA-391251
Sphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-428157
Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis R-HSA-390471
Chaperonin-mediated protein folding R-HSA-390466
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Glycosphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-1660662
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis R-HSA-390471
Protein folding R-HSA-391251
Chaperonin-mediated protein folding R-HSA-390466
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Sphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-428157
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Chaperonin-mediated protein folding R-HSA-390466
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis R-HSA-390471
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Glycosphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-1660662
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Sphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-428157
Protein folding R-HSA-391251
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Chaperonin-mediated protein folding R-HSA-390466
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis R-HSA-390471
Sphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-428157
Glycosphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-1660662
Protein folding R-HSA-391251
Protein folding R-HSA-391251
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Glycosphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-1660662
Sphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-428157
Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis R-HSA-390471
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Chaperonin-mediated protein folding R-HSA-390466
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Protein folding R-HSA-391251
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Chaperonin-mediated protein folding R-HSA-390466
Sphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-428157
Glycosphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-1660662
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis R-HSA-390471
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Chaperonin-mediated protein folding R-HSA-390466
Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis R-HSA-390471
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Sphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-428157
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Glycosphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-1660662
Protein folding R-HSA-391251
Chaperonin-mediated protein folding R-HSA-390466
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-392499
Protein folding R-HSA-391251
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Association of TriC/CCT with target proteins during biosynthesis R-HSA-390471
Glycosphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-1660662
Sphingolipid metabolism R-HSA-428157

Expression Atlas ENSG00000177628
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 2629
GeneCards 4177
HGNC Symbol HGNC:4177
MIM gene 606463
MIM morbid 608013
UniProtKB Gene Name P04062
WikiGene 2629
Gene: EPHA3
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000044524
Description: EPH receptor A3
Gene Synonyms: ETK,ETK1,HEK,HEK4,TYRO4
1 APIs:
215 Possible Orthologues:

Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
EPH-Ephrin signaling R-HSA-2682334
EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse R-HSA-3928663
EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells R-HSA-3928665
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells R-HSA-3928665
EPH-Ephrin signaling R-HSA-2682334
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse R-HSA-3928663
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells R-HSA-3928665
EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse R-HSA-3928663
EPH-Ephrin signaling R-HSA-2682334
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse R-HSA-3928663
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells R-HSA-3928665
EPH-Ephrin signaling R-HSA-2682334
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse R-HSA-3928663
EPH-Ephrin signaling R-HSA-2682334
EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells R-HSA-3928665
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse R-HSA-3928663
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
EPH-Ephrin signaling R-HSA-2682334
EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells R-HSA-3928665
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
EPH-Ephrin signaling R-HSA-2682334
EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse R-HSA-3928663
EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells R-HSA-3928665
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
EPH-Ephrin signaling R-HSA-2682334
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells R-HSA-3928665
EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse R-HSA-3928663
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells R-HSA-3928665
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108
EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse R-HSA-3928663
EPH-Ephrin signaling R-HSA-2682334
EPHA-mediated growth cone collapse R-HSA-3928663
Developmental Biology R-HSA-1266738
EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cells R-HSA-3928665
Axon guidance R-HSA-422475
EPH-Ephrin signaling R-HSA-2682334
Nervous system development R-HSA-9675108

Expression Atlas ENSG00000044524
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 2042
GeneCards 3387
HGNC Symbol HGNC:3387
MIM gene 179611
UniProtKB Gene Name P29320
WikiGene 2042
Gene: CDC7
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000097046
Description: cell division cycle 7
Gene Synonyms: CDC7L1,HSCDC7,HSK1,HUCDC7
4 APIs:
209 Possible Orthologues:

DNA Replication R-HSA-69306
Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition R-HSA-453279
Activation of the pre-replicative complex R-HSA-68962
DNA Replication Pre-Initiation R-HSA-69002
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Activation of ATR in response to replication stress R-HSA-176187
Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6 R-HSA-8953750
G1/S Transition R-HSA-69206
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
G2/M Checkpoints R-HSA-69481
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Cell Cycle Checkpoints R-HSA-69620
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
DNA Replication R-HSA-69306
G2/M Checkpoints R-HSA-69481
Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition R-HSA-453279
Activation of ATR in response to replication stress R-HSA-176187
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Activation of the pre-replicative complex R-HSA-68962
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6 R-HSA-8953750
DNA Replication Pre-Initiation R-HSA-69002
Cell Cycle Checkpoints R-HSA-69620
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
G1/S Transition R-HSA-69206
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Activation of the pre-replicative complex R-HSA-68962
DNA Replication Pre-Initiation R-HSA-69002
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Activation of ATR in response to replication stress R-HSA-176187
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
G2/M Checkpoints R-HSA-69481
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition R-HSA-453279
Cell Cycle Checkpoints R-HSA-69620
G1/S Transition R-HSA-69206
DNA Replication R-HSA-69306
Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6 R-HSA-8953750
G1/S Transition R-HSA-69206
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Activation of ATR in response to replication stress R-HSA-176187
Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition R-HSA-453279
DNA Replication Pre-Initiation R-HSA-69002
Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6 R-HSA-8953750
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
DNA Replication R-HSA-69306
Activation of the pre-replicative complex R-HSA-68962
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
G2/M Checkpoints R-HSA-69481
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Cell Cycle Checkpoints R-HSA-69620
DNA Replication R-HSA-69306
DNA Replication Pre-Initiation R-HSA-69002
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
G1/S Transition R-HSA-69206
G2/M Checkpoints R-HSA-69481
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6 R-HSA-8953750
Cell Cycle Checkpoints R-HSA-69620
Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition R-HSA-453279
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Activation of the pre-replicative complex R-HSA-68962
Activation of ATR in response to replication stress R-HSA-176187
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Activation of the pre-replicative complex R-HSA-68962
DNA Replication Pre-Initiation R-HSA-69002
Cell Cycle Checkpoints R-HSA-69620
G2/M Checkpoints R-HSA-69481
Activation of ATR in response to replication stress R-HSA-176187
DNA Replication R-HSA-69306
Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition R-HSA-453279
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6 R-HSA-8953750
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
G1/S Transition R-HSA-69206
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition R-HSA-453279
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
DNA Replication R-HSA-69306
Activation of the pre-replicative complex R-HSA-68962
G2/M Checkpoints R-HSA-69481
DNA Replication Pre-Initiation R-HSA-69002
Activation of ATR in response to replication stress R-HSA-176187
G1/S Transition R-HSA-69206
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6 R-HSA-8953750
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Cell Cycle Checkpoints R-HSA-69620
G2/M Checkpoints R-HSA-69481
Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6 R-HSA-8953750
Activation of ATR in response to replication stress R-HSA-176187
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
DNA Replication R-HSA-69306
Cell Cycle Checkpoints R-HSA-69620
G1/S Transition R-HSA-69206
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Activation of the pre-replicative complex R-HSA-68962
DNA Replication Pre-Initiation R-HSA-69002
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition R-HSA-453279
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Activation of ATR in response to replication stress R-HSA-176187
DNA Replication R-HSA-69306
Activation of the pre-replicative complex R-HSA-68962
Cell Cycle Checkpoints R-HSA-69620
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
G2/M Checkpoints R-HSA-69481
Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition R-HSA-453279
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
DNA Replication Pre-Initiation R-HSA-69002
Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6 R-HSA-8953750
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
G1/S Transition R-HSA-69206
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
DNA Replication R-HSA-69306
DNA Replication Pre-Initiation R-HSA-69002
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6 R-HSA-8953750
Activation of the pre-replicative complex R-HSA-68962
G1/S Transition R-HSA-69206
Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition R-HSA-453279
Cell Cycle Checkpoints R-HSA-69620
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
G2/M Checkpoints R-HSA-69481
Activation of ATR in response to replication stress R-HSA-176187
Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition R-HSA-453279
G1/S Transition R-HSA-69206
Transcriptional Regulation by E2F6 R-HSA-8953750
DNA Replication R-HSA-69306
DNA Replication Pre-Initiation R-HSA-69002
Cell Cycle, Mitotic R-HSA-69278
Cell Cycle Checkpoints R-HSA-69620
Generic Transcription Pathway R-HSA-212436
Cell Cycle R-HSA-1640170
Activation of ATR in response to replication stress R-HSA-176187
Activation of the pre-replicative complex R-HSA-68962
G2/M Checkpoints R-HSA-69481
RNA Polymerase II Transcription R-HSA-73857
Gene expression (Transcription) R-HSA-74160

Expression Atlas ENSG00000097046
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 8317
GeneCards 1745
HGNC Symbol HGNC:1745
MIM gene 603311
UniProtKB Gene Name O00311
WikiGene 8317
Gene: ATP1A3
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000105409
Description: ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 3
Gene Synonyms: DYT12
6 APIs:
134 Possible Orthologues:

Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Ion channel transport R-HSA-983712
Ion transport by P-type ATPases R-HSA-936837
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Ion homeostasis R-HSA-5578775
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Cardiac conduction R-HSA-5576891
Potential therapeutics for SARS R-HSA-9679191
Transport of small molecules R-HSA-382551
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Transport of small molecules R-HSA-382551
Cardiac conduction R-HSA-5576891
Potential therapeutics for SARS R-HSA-9679191
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Ion homeostasis R-HSA-5578775
Ion channel transport R-HSA-983712
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Ion transport by P-type ATPases R-HSA-936837
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Transport of small molecules R-HSA-382551
Cardiac conduction R-HSA-5576891
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Potential therapeutics for SARS R-HSA-9679191
Ion channel transport R-HSA-983712
Ion transport by P-type ATPases R-HSA-936837
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Ion homeostasis R-HSA-5578775
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Cardiac conduction R-HSA-5576891
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Ion channel transport R-HSA-983712
Potential therapeutics for SARS R-HSA-9679191
Ion transport by P-type ATPases R-HSA-936837
Transport of small molecules R-HSA-382551
Ion homeostasis R-HSA-5578775
Ion channel transport R-HSA-983712
Ion transport by P-type ATPases R-HSA-936837
Cardiac conduction R-HSA-5576891
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Ion homeostasis R-HSA-5578775
Potential therapeutics for SARS R-HSA-9679191
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Transport of small molecules R-HSA-382551
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Cardiac conduction R-HSA-5576891
Transport of small molecules R-HSA-382551
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Ion transport by P-type ATPases R-HSA-936837
Ion channel transport R-HSA-983712
Ion homeostasis R-HSA-5578775
Potential therapeutics for SARS R-HSA-9679191
Ion homeostasis R-HSA-5578775
Transport of small molecules R-HSA-382551
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Cardiac conduction R-HSA-5576891
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Ion transport by P-type ATPases R-HSA-936837
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Potential therapeutics for SARS R-HSA-9679191
Ion channel transport R-HSA-983712
Ion channel transport R-HSA-983712
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Ion transport by P-type ATPases R-HSA-936837
Potential therapeutics for SARS R-HSA-9679191
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Ion homeostasis R-HSA-5578775
Cardiac conduction R-HSA-5576891
Transport of small molecules R-HSA-382551
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Ion channel transport R-HSA-983712
Ion transport by P-type ATPases R-HSA-936837
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Cardiac conduction R-HSA-5576891
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Ion homeostasis R-HSA-5578775
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Transport of small molecules R-HSA-382551
Potential therapeutics for SARS R-HSA-9679191
Ion channel transport R-HSA-983712
Ion transport by P-type ATPases R-HSA-936837
Muscle contraction R-HSA-397014
Potential therapeutics for SARS R-HSA-9679191
Infectious disease R-HSA-5663205
Cardiac conduction R-HSA-5576891
SARS-CoV Infections R-HSA-9679506
Transport of small molecules R-HSA-382551
Ion homeostasis R-HSA-5578775
Disease R-HSA-1643685

Expression Atlas ENSG00000105409
LRG display in Ensembl gene LRG_1186
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 478
GeneCards 801
HGNC Symbol HGNC:801
MIM gene 182350
MIM morbid 619606
UniProtKB Gene Name P13637
WikiGene 478
Gene: F11
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000088926
Description: coagulation factor XI
Gene Synonyms: FXI
2 APIs:
215 Possible Orthologues:

Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Diseases of hemostasis R-HSA-9671793
Defects of contact activation system (CAS) and kallikrein/kinin system (KKS) R-HSA-9651496
Defective F9 activation R-HSA-9673221
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) R-HSA-140877
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation R-HSA-140837
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Defective factor IX causes hemophilia B R-HSA-9668250
Defective F9 activation R-HSA-9673221
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Defects of contact activation system (CAS) and kallikrein/kinin system (KKS) R-HSA-9651496
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) R-HSA-140877
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation R-HSA-140837
Diseases of hemostasis R-HSA-9671793
Defective factor IX causes hemophilia B R-HSA-9668250
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Defective F9 activation R-HSA-9673221
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) R-HSA-140877
Diseases of hemostasis R-HSA-9671793
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Defective factor IX causes hemophilia B R-HSA-9668250
Defects of contact activation system (CAS) and kallikrein/kinin system (KKS) R-HSA-9651496
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation R-HSA-140837
Diseases of hemostasis R-HSA-9671793
Defective factor IX causes hemophilia B R-HSA-9668250
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) R-HSA-140877
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation R-HSA-140837
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Defective F9 activation R-HSA-9673221
Defects of contact activation system (CAS) and kallikrein/kinin system (KKS) R-HSA-9651496
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) R-HSA-140877
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation R-HSA-140837
Defective factor IX causes hemophilia B R-HSA-9668250
Defective F9 activation R-HSA-9673221
Defects of contact activation system (CAS) and kallikrein/kinin system (KKS) R-HSA-9651496
Diseases of hemostasis R-HSA-9671793
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Defective F9 activation R-HSA-9673221
Diseases of hemostasis R-HSA-9671793
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Defects of contact activation system (CAS) and kallikrein/kinin system (KKS) R-HSA-9651496
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation R-HSA-140837
Defective factor IX causes hemophilia B R-HSA-9668250
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) R-HSA-140877
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Diseases of hemostasis R-HSA-9671793
Defects of contact activation system (CAS) and kallikrein/kinin system (KKS) R-HSA-9651496
Defective F9 activation R-HSA-9673221
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation R-HSA-140837
Defective factor IX causes hemophilia B R-HSA-9668250
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) R-HSA-140877
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) R-HSA-140877
Defective factor IX causes hemophilia B R-HSA-9668250
Defective F9 activation R-HSA-9673221
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation R-HSA-140837
Diseases of hemostasis R-HSA-9671793
Defects of contact activation system (CAS) and kallikrein/kinin system (KKS) R-HSA-9651496
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation R-HSA-140837
Diseases of hemostasis R-HSA-9671793
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) R-HSA-140877
Defects of contact activation system (CAS) and kallikrein/kinin system (KKS) R-HSA-9651496
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Defective F9 activation R-HSA-9673221
Defective factor IX causes hemophilia B R-HSA-9668250
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation R-HSA-140837
Defective factor IX causes hemophilia B R-HSA-9668250
Defective F9 activation R-HSA-9673221
Disease R-HSA-1643685
Defects of contact activation system (CAS) and kallikrein/kinin system (KKS) R-HSA-9651496
Hemostasis R-HSA-109582
Diseases of hemostasis R-HSA-9671793
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) R-HSA-140877

Expression Atlas ENSG00000088926
LRG display in Ensembl gene LRG_583
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 2160
GeneCards 3529
HGNC Symbol HGNC:3529
MIM gene 264900
MIM morbid 612416
UniProtKB Gene Name P03951
WikiGene 2160
Gene: CA5A
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000174990
Description: carbonic anhydrase 5A
Gene Synonyms: CA5,CAV,CAVA
2 APIs:
170 Possible Orthologues:

Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Reversible hydration of carbon dioxide R-HSA-1475029

Expression Atlas ENSG00000174990
LRG display in Ensembl gene LRG_1280
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 763
GeneCards 1377
HGNC Symbol HGNC:1377
MIM gene 114761
MIM morbid 615751
UniProtKB Gene Name P35218
WikiGene 763
Gene: CYP3A43
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000021461
Description: cytochrome P450 family 3 subfamily A member 43
Gene Synonyms:
2 APIs:
652 Possible Orthologues:

Cytochrome P450 - arranged by substrate type R-HSA-211897
Biological oxidations R-HSA-211859
Xenobiotics R-HSA-211981
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Miscellaneous substrates R-HSA-211958
Phase I - Functionalization of compounds R-HSA-211945
Xenobiotics R-HSA-211981
Miscellaneous substrates R-HSA-211958
Biological oxidations R-HSA-211859
Phase I - Functionalization of compounds R-HSA-211945
Cytochrome P450 - arranged by substrate type R-HSA-211897
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Miscellaneous substrates R-HSA-211958
Cytochrome P450 - arranged by substrate type R-HSA-211897
Biological oxidations R-HSA-211859
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Xenobiotics R-HSA-211981
Phase I - Functionalization of compounds R-HSA-211945
Biological oxidations R-HSA-211859
Xenobiotics R-HSA-211981
Phase I - Functionalization of compounds R-HSA-211945
Cytochrome P450 - arranged by substrate type R-HSA-211897
Miscellaneous substrates R-HSA-211958
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Miscellaneous substrates R-HSA-211958
Xenobiotics R-HSA-211981
Biological oxidations R-HSA-211859
Phase I - Functionalization of compounds R-HSA-211945
Cytochrome P450 - arranged by substrate type R-HSA-211897
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biological oxidations R-HSA-211859
Phase I - Functionalization of compounds R-HSA-211945
Miscellaneous substrates R-HSA-211958
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Xenobiotics R-HSA-211981
Cytochrome P450 - arranged by substrate type R-HSA-211897
Miscellaneous substrates R-HSA-211958
Phase I - Functionalization of compounds R-HSA-211945
Xenobiotics R-HSA-211981
Cytochrome P450 - arranged by substrate type R-HSA-211897
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biological oxidations R-HSA-211859
Cytochrome P450 - arranged by substrate type R-HSA-211897
Phase I - Functionalization of compounds R-HSA-211945
Biological oxidations R-HSA-211859
Miscellaneous substrates R-HSA-211958
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Xenobiotics R-HSA-211981
Cytochrome P450 - arranged by substrate type R-HSA-211897
Miscellaneous substrates R-HSA-211958
Xenobiotics R-HSA-211981
Phase I - Functionalization of compounds R-HSA-211945
Biological oxidations R-HSA-211859
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728

Expression Atlas ENSG00000021461
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 64816
GeneCards 17450
HGNC Symbol HGNC:17450
MIM gene 606534
UniProtKB Gene Name Q9HB55
WikiGene 64816
Gene: ALOX5
Ensembl ID : ENSG00000012779
Description: arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase
Gene Synonyms: 5-LOX
8 APIs:
223 Possible Orthologues:

Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(S)-resolvins R-HSA-9018896
Biosynthesis of aspirin-triggered D-series resolvins R-HSA-9020265
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(R)-resolvins R-HSA-9023661
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived maresins R-HSA-9026290
Neutrophil degranulation R-HSA-6798695
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Biosynthesis of maresins R-HSA-9018682
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived protectins and resolvins R-HSA-9026286
Biosynthesis of D-series resolvins R-HSA-9018676
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Interleukin-1 family signaling R-HSA-446652
Interleukin-18 signaling R-HSA-9012546
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived 13-series resolvins R-HSA-9026403
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Interleukin-18 signaling R-HSA-9012546
Interleukin-1 family signaling R-HSA-446652
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived maresins R-HSA-9026290
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(S)-resolvins R-HSA-9018896
Biosynthesis of D-series resolvins R-HSA-9018676
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(R)-resolvins R-HSA-9023661
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived protectins and resolvins R-HSA-9026286
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived 13-series resolvins R-HSA-9026403
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Neutrophil degranulation R-HSA-6798695
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of aspirin-triggered D-series resolvins R-HSA-9020265
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Biosynthesis of maresins R-HSA-9018682
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived maresins R-HSA-9026290
Biosynthesis of aspirin-triggered D-series resolvins R-HSA-9020265
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived protectins and resolvins R-HSA-9026286
Interleukin-18 signaling R-HSA-9012546
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Biosynthesis of maresins R-HSA-9018682
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Interleukin-1 family signaling R-HSA-446652
Biosynthesis of D-series resolvins R-HSA-9018676
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(R)-resolvins R-HSA-9023661
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Neutrophil degranulation R-HSA-6798695
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(S)-resolvins R-HSA-9018896
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived 13-series resolvins R-HSA-9026403
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Biosynthesis of D-series resolvins R-HSA-9018676
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(S)-resolvins R-HSA-9018896
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(R)-resolvins R-HSA-9023661
Interleukin-1 family signaling R-HSA-446652
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived protectins and resolvins R-HSA-9026286
Interleukin-18 signaling R-HSA-9012546
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived 13-series resolvins R-HSA-9026403
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Neutrophil degranulation R-HSA-6798695
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived maresins R-HSA-9026290
Biosynthesis of aspirin-triggered D-series resolvins R-HSA-9020265
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Biosynthesis of maresins R-HSA-9018682
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived maresins R-HSA-9026290
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived protectins and resolvins R-HSA-9026286
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Neutrophil degranulation R-HSA-6798695
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of maresins R-HSA-9018682
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Interleukin-1 family signaling R-HSA-446652
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(R)-resolvins R-HSA-9023661
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(S)-resolvins R-HSA-9018896
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Biosynthesis of D-series resolvins R-HSA-9018676
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived 13-series resolvins R-HSA-9026403
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Interleukin-18 signaling R-HSA-9012546
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Biosynthesis of aspirin-triggered D-series resolvins R-HSA-9020265
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived 13-series resolvins R-HSA-9026403
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Neutrophil degranulation R-HSA-6798695
Biosynthesis of aspirin-triggered D-series resolvins R-HSA-9020265
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(R)-resolvins R-HSA-9023661
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(S)-resolvins R-HSA-9018896
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Interleukin-1 family signaling R-HSA-446652
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Biosynthesis of D-series resolvins R-HSA-9018676
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived maresins R-HSA-9026290
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Interleukin-18 signaling R-HSA-9012546
Biosynthesis of maresins R-HSA-9018682
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived protectins and resolvins R-HSA-9026286
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived 13-series resolvins R-HSA-9026403
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of aspirin-triggered D-series resolvins R-HSA-9020265
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Biosynthesis of maresins R-HSA-9018682
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived maresins R-HSA-9026290
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(R)-resolvins R-HSA-9023661
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Neutrophil degranulation R-HSA-6798695
Interleukin-18 signaling R-HSA-9012546
Interleukin-1 family signaling R-HSA-446652
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Biosynthesis of D-series resolvins R-HSA-9018676
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived protectins and resolvins R-HSA-9026286
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(S)-resolvins R-HSA-9018896
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Biosynthesis of maresins R-HSA-9018682
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Interleukin-18 signaling R-HSA-9012546
Interleukin-1 family signaling R-HSA-446652
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived maresins R-HSA-9026290
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived protectins and resolvins R-HSA-9026286
Biosynthesis of aspirin-triggered D-series resolvins R-HSA-9020265
Biosynthesis of D-series resolvins R-HSA-9018676
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(S)-resolvins R-HSA-9018896
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Neutrophil degranulation R-HSA-6798695
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived 13-series resolvins R-HSA-9026403
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(R)-resolvins R-HSA-9023661
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Interleukin-18 signaling R-HSA-9012546
Interleukin-1 family signaling R-HSA-446652
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived protectins and resolvins R-HSA-9026286
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Biosynthesis of aspirin-triggered D-series resolvins R-HSA-9020265
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived maresins R-HSA-9026290
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Biosynthesis of D-series resolvins R-HSA-9018676
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Neutrophil degranulation R-HSA-6798695
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Biosynthesis of maresins R-HSA-9018682
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(S)-resolvins R-HSA-9018896
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(R)-resolvins R-HSA-9023661
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived 13-series resolvins R-HSA-9026403
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of DPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018683
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) R-HSA-2142700
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(R)-resolvins R-HSA-9023661
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived maresins R-HSA-9026290
Metabolism of lipids R-HSA-556833
Innate Immune System R-HSA-168249
Neutrophil degranulation R-HSA-6798695
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3 SPMs R-HSA-9025094
Biosynthesis of maresins R-HSA-9018682
Metabolism R-HSA-1430728
Biosynthesis of E-series 18(S)-resolvins R-HSA-9018896
Biosynthesis of EPA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018679
Interleukin-1 family signaling R-HSA-446652
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived 13-series resolvins R-HSA-9026403
Fatty acid metabolism R-HSA-8978868
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) R-HSA-2142691
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs R-HSA-9018677
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling R-HSA-6785807
Arachidonic acid metabolism R-HSA-2142753
Biosynthesis of D-series resolvins R-HSA-9018676
Immune System R-HSA-168256
Biosynthesis of aspirin-triggered D-series resolvins R-HSA-9020265
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system R-HSA-1280215
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids R-HSA-2142688
Biosynthesis of DPAn-3-derived protectins and resolvins R-HSA-9026286
Interleukin-18 signaling R-HSA-9012546
Signaling by Interleukins R-HSA-449147
Biosynthesis of specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) R-HSA-9018678

Expression Atlas ENSG00000012779
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) 240
GeneCards 435
HGNC Symbol HGNC:435
MIM gene 152390
MIM morbid 600807
UniProtKB Gene Name P09917
WikiGene 240