Source Gaulton A, Kale N, van Westen GJ, Bellis LJ, Bento AP, Davies M, Hersey A, Papadatos G, Forster M, Wege P, Overington JP. A large-scale crop protection bioassay data set. Sci Data. 2015 Jul 7;2:150032. Read more ...



Physicochemical Descriptors

Property Name Value
Molecular Formula C20H33F3O
Molecular Weight 346.47
AlogP 8.06
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor 1.0
Hydrogen Bond Donor 0.0
Number of Rotational Bond 16.0
Polar Surface Area 17.07
Molecular species None
Aromatic Rings 0.0
Heavy Atoms 24.0
Assay Description Organism Bioactivity Reference
Effect on response of Zeuzera pyrina males to the calling female assessed as complete upwind fligts up to 10 ug by Wind tunnel assay Zeuzera pyrina 55.0 %
Inhibition of electroantennogram response of Zeuzera pyrina males to sex pheromone at 1 ug/antenna topical application by electrophysiology Zeuzera pyrina 80.0 %
Inhibition of electroantennogram response of Zeuzera pyrina males to sex pheromone at 0.1 ug/antenna topical application by electrophysiology Zeuzera pyrina None
Effect on response of Zeuzera pyrina males to the calling female assessed as male took off up to 10 ug by Wind tunnel assay Zeuzera pyrina 95.0 %
Effect on response of Zeuzera pyrina males to the calling female assessed as flight towords source up to 10 ug by Wind tunnel assay Zeuzera pyrina 62.0 %
Effect on response of Zeuzera pyrina males to the calling female assessed as contact to female up to 10 ug by Wind tunnel assay Zeuzera pyrina 55.0 %

Cross References

Resources Reference
PubChem 76326990