Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum camelliae assessed as inhibition of mycelial growth measured after 5 days of cultivation
Colletotrichum camelliae
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Antifungal activities of major tea leaf volatile constituents toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea.
Year : 2006
Volume : 54
Issue : 11
First Page : 3936
Last Page : 3940
Authors : Zhang ZZ, Li YB, Qi L, Wan XC.
Abstract : A crude glycosidic fraction was prepared from fresh tea leaves and treated with the crude tea enzyme, fractions of cis-3-hexenol, linalool oxide I (cis-furanoid), linalool oxide II (trans-furanoid), linalool, methyl salicylate, geraniol, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol were monitored to be the major aglycone moieties by analyzing the released volatiles. The amount of the released aglycone moieties is 5.8 times higher than those in free form. For investigation of the functions of the glycosidically bound form aroma constituents in tea leaves, their antifungal activities were determined by antifungal assay. Geraniol, linalool, methyl salicylate, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol exhibited significant antifungal activities toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea, although cis-3-hexenol and linalool oxides showed weaker activities by comparison. Among them, geraniol was shown to be the most potential antifungal substance with a MIC value of 440 microg/mL. The crude glycosidic fraction prepared from tea leaves also exhibited significant antifungal activities in a wide range of concentrations from 2 to 25 mg/mL in a PDA medium. It was deduced that the glycosidically bound volatiles are formed and stored in the intact tissue of tea leaf and hydrolyzed by the actions of both the endogenous and the exogenous glycosidases to release volatiles as antifungal substances when exposed to Colletorichum camelliae Massea. The results suggested that the higher content of the bound form geraniol in tea leaves of var. sinensis might be responsible for their stronger antipathogen properties toward tea leaf blight, as opposed to those of var. assamica.
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum camelliae assessed as inhibition of mycelial growth at 2000 ug/mL measured after 5 days of cultivation
Colletotrichum camelliae
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Antifungal activities of major tea leaf volatile constituents toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea.
Year : 2006
Volume : 54
Issue : 11
First Page : 3936
Last Page : 3940
Authors : Zhang ZZ, Li YB, Qi L, Wan XC.
Abstract : A crude glycosidic fraction was prepared from fresh tea leaves and treated with the crude tea enzyme, fractions of cis-3-hexenol, linalool oxide I (cis-furanoid), linalool oxide II (trans-furanoid), linalool, methyl salicylate, geraniol, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol were monitored to be the major aglycone moieties by analyzing the released volatiles. The amount of the released aglycone moieties is 5.8 times higher than those in free form. For investigation of the functions of the glycosidically bound form aroma constituents in tea leaves, their antifungal activities were determined by antifungal assay. Geraniol, linalool, methyl salicylate, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol exhibited significant antifungal activities toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea, although cis-3-hexenol and linalool oxides showed weaker activities by comparison. Among them, geraniol was shown to be the most potential antifungal substance with a MIC value of 440 microg/mL. The crude glycosidic fraction prepared from tea leaves also exhibited significant antifungal activities in a wide range of concentrations from 2 to 25 mg/mL in a PDA medium. It was deduced that the glycosidically bound volatiles are formed and stored in the intact tissue of tea leaf and hydrolyzed by the actions of both the endogenous and the exogenous glycosidases to release volatiles as antifungal substances when exposed to Colletorichum camelliae Massea. The results suggested that the higher content of the bound form geraniol in tea leaves of var. sinensis might be responsible for their stronger antipathogen properties toward tea leaf blight, as opposed to those of var. assamica.
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum camelliae assessed as inhibition of mycelial growth at 1500 ug/mL measured after 5 days of cultivation
Colletotrichum camelliae
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Antifungal activities of major tea leaf volatile constituents toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea.
Year : 2006
Volume : 54
Issue : 11
First Page : 3936
Last Page : 3940
Authors : Zhang ZZ, Li YB, Qi L, Wan XC.
Abstract : A crude glycosidic fraction was prepared from fresh tea leaves and treated with the crude tea enzyme, fractions of cis-3-hexenol, linalool oxide I (cis-furanoid), linalool oxide II (trans-furanoid), linalool, methyl salicylate, geraniol, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol were monitored to be the major aglycone moieties by analyzing the released volatiles. The amount of the released aglycone moieties is 5.8 times higher than those in free form. For investigation of the functions of the glycosidically bound form aroma constituents in tea leaves, their antifungal activities were determined by antifungal assay. Geraniol, linalool, methyl salicylate, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol exhibited significant antifungal activities toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea, although cis-3-hexenol and linalool oxides showed weaker activities by comparison. Among them, geraniol was shown to be the most potential antifungal substance with a MIC value of 440 microg/mL. The crude glycosidic fraction prepared from tea leaves also exhibited significant antifungal activities in a wide range of concentrations from 2 to 25 mg/mL in a PDA medium. It was deduced that the glycosidically bound volatiles are formed and stored in the intact tissue of tea leaf and hydrolyzed by the actions of both the endogenous and the exogenous glycosidases to release volatiles as antifungal substances when exposed to Colletorichum camelliae Massea. The results suggested that the higher content of the bound form geraniol in tea leaves of var. sinensis might be responsible for their stronger antipathogen properties toward tea leaf blight, as opposed to those of var. assamica.
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum camelliae assessed as inhibition of mycelial growth at 1000 ug/mL measured after 5 days of cultivation
Colletotrichum camelliae
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Antifungal activities of major tea leaf volatile constituents toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea.
Year : 2006
Volume : 54
Issue : 11
First Page : 3936
Last Page : 3940
Authors : Zhang ZZ, Li YB, Qi L, Wan XC.
Abstract : A crude glycosidic fraction was prepared from fresh tea leaves and treated with the crude tea enzyme, fractions of cis-3-hexenol, linalool oxide I (cis-furanoid), linalool oxide II (trans-furanoid), linalool, methyl salicylate, geraniol, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol were monitored to be the major aglycone moieties by analyzing the released volatiles. The amount of the released aglycone moieties is 5.8 times higher than those in free form. For investigation of the functions of the glycosidically bound form aroma constituents in tea leaves, their antifungal activities were determined by antifungal assay. Geraniol, linalool, methyl salicylate, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol exhibited significant antifungal activities toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea, although cis-3-hexenol and linalool oxides showed weaker activities by comparison. Among them, geraniol was shown to be the most potential antifungal substance with a MIC value of 440 microg/mL. The crude glycosidic fraction prepared from tea leaves also exhibited significant antifungal activities in a wide range of concentrations from 2 to 25 mg/mL in a PDA medium. It was deduced that the glycosidically bound volatiles are formed and stored in the intact tissue of tea leaf and hydrolyzed by the actions of both the endogenous and the exogenous glycosidases to release volatiles as antifungal substances when exposed to Colletorichum camelliae Massea. The results suggested that the higher content of the bound form geraniol in tea leaves of var. sinensis might be responsible for their stronger antipathogen properties toward tea leaf blight, as opposed to those of var. assamica.
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum camelliae assessed as inhibition of mycelial growth at 500 ug/mL measured after 5 days of cultivation
Colletotrichum camelliae
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Antifungal activities of major tea leaf volatile constituents toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea.
Year : 2006
Volume : 54
Issue : 11
First Page : 3936
Last Page : 3940
Authors : Zhang ZZ, Li YB, Qi L, Wan XC.
Abstract : A crude glycosidic fraction was prepared from fresh tea leaves and treated with the crude tea enzyme, fractions of cis-3-hexenol, linalool oxide I (cis-furanoid), linalool oxide II (trans-furanoid), linalool, methyl salicylate, geraniol, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol were monitored to be the major aglycone moieties by analyzing the released volatiles. The amount of the released aglycone moieties is 5.8 times higher than those in free form. For investigation of the functions of the glycosidically bound form aroma constituents in tea leaves, their antifungal activities were determined by antifungal assay. Geraniol, linalool, methyl salicylate, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol exhibited significant antifungal activities toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea, although cis-3-hexenol and linalool oxides showed weaker activities by comparison. Among them, geraniol was shown to be the most potential antifungal substance with a MIC value of 440 microg/mL. The crude glycosidic fraction prepared from tea leaves also exhibited significant antifungal activities in a wide range of concentrations from 2 to 25 mg/mL in a PDA medium. It was deduced that the glycosidically bound volatiles are formed and stored in the intact tissue of tea leaf and hydrolyzed by the actions of both the endogenous and the exogenous glycosidases to release volatiles as antifungal substances when exposed to Colletorichum camelliae Massea. The results suggested that the higher content of the bound form geraniol in tea leaves of var. sinensis might be responsible for their stronger antipathogen properties toward tea leaf blight, as opposed to those of var. assamica.
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum camelliae assessed as inhibition of mycelial growth at 100 ug/mL measured after 5 days of cultivation
Colletotrichum camelliae
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Antifungal activities of major tea leaf volatile constituents toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea.
Year : 2006
Volume : 54
Issue : 11
First Page : 3936
Last Page : 3940
Authors : Zhang ZZ, Li YB, Qi L, Wan XC.
Abstract : A crude glycosidic fraction was prepared from fresh tea leaves and treated with the crude tea enzyme, fractions of cis-3-hexenol, linalool oxide I (cis-furanoid), linalool oxide II (trans-furanoid), linalool, methyl salicylate, geraniol, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol were monitored to be the major aglycone moieties by analyzing the released volatiles. The amount of the released aglycone moieties is 5.8 times higher than those in free form. For investigation of the functions of the glycosidically bound form aroma constituents in tea leaves, their antifungal activities were determined by antifungal assay. Geraniol, linalool, methyl salicylate, benzyl alcohol, and 2-phenylethanol exhibited significant antifungal activities toward Colletorichum camelliae Massea, although cis-3-hexenol and linalool oxides showed weaker activities by comparison. Among them, geraniol was shown to be the most potential antifungal substance with a MIC value of 440 microg/mL. The crude glycosidic fraction prepared from tea leaves also exhibited significant antifungal activities in a wide range of concentrations from 2 to 25 mg/mL in a PDA medium. It was deduced that the glycosidically bound volatiles are formed and stored in the intact tissue of tea leaf and hydrolyzed by the actions of both the endogenous and the exogenous glycosidases to release volatiles as antifungal substances when exposed to Colletorichum camelliae Massea. The results suggested that the higher content of the bound form geraniol in tea leaves of var. sinensis might be responsible for their stronger antipathogen properties toward tea leaf blight, as opposed to those of var. assamica.
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum acutatum assessed as inhibition of microcyclic conidiation at 25 degC measured after 4 to 24 hr
Colletotrichum acutatum
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2007
Volume : 55
Issue : 14
First Page : 5701
Last Page : 5707
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum acutatum assessed as inhibition of pore appressorial formation at 25 degC measured after 4 to 24 hr
Colletotrichum acutatum
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2007
Volume : 55
Issue : 14
First Page : 5701
Last Page : 5707
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum acutatum assessed as inhibition of appressorium pigmentation at 25 degC measured after 4 to 24 hr
Colletotrichum acutatum
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2007
Volume : 55
Issue : 14
First Page : 5701
Last Page : 5707
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum acutatum assessed as inhibition of appressorium formation at 25 degC measured after 4 to 24 hr
Colletotrichum acutatum
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2007
Volume : 55
Issue : 14
First Page : 5701
Last Page : 5707
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum acutatum assessed as inhibition of germination at 25 degC measured after 4 to 24 hr
Colletotrichum acutatum
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2007
Volume : 55
Issue : 14
First Page : 5701
Last Page : 5707
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum acutatum assessed as inhibition of mycelial growth at 25 degC measured after 8 days
Colletotrichum acutatum
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum acutatum assessed as inhibition of mycelial growth at 25 degC measured after 8 days
Colletotrichum acutatum
Antifungal activity against Colletotrichum acutatum assessed as inhibition of mycelial growth at 25 degC measured after 8 days
Colletotrichum acutatum
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2007
Volume : 55
Issue : 14
First Page : 5701
Last Page : 5707
Induction of response in mated female Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as landing moth level at 10 uL in presence of synthetic pheromone measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 0%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in mated female Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as flying moth level at 10 uL in presence of synthetic pheromone measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 5%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in unmated female Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as landing moth level at 10 uL in presence of synthetic pheromone measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 0%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in unmated female Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as flying moth level at 10 uL in presence of synthetic pheromone measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 5%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in mated male Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as landing moth level at 10 uL in presence of synthetic pheromone measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 0%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in mated male Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as flying moth level at 10 uL in presence of synthetic pheromone measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 0%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in unmated male Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as landing moth level at 10 uL in presence of synthetic pheromone measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 0%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in unmated male Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as flying moth level at 10 uL in presence of synthetic pheromone measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 5%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in mated female Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as landing moth level at 10 uL measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 0%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in mated female Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as flying moth level at 10 uL measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 5%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in unmated female Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as landing moth level at 10 uL measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 0%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in unmated female Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as flying moth level at 10 uL measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 5%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in mated male Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as landing moth level at 10 uL measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 0%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in mated male Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as flying moth level at 10 uL measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 0%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in unmated male Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as landing moth level at 10 uL measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 0%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Induction of response in unmated male Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) assessed as flying moth level at 10 uL measured after 10 min by wind tunnel bioassays (Rvb hexane = 5%)
Plutella xylostella
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Year : 2000
Volume : 48
Issue : 12
First Page : 6025
Last Page : 6029
Antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli O157:H7 ATCC 43894 assessed as growth inhibition rate at 43.2 mg/l after 72 hr by spectrophotometry
Escherichia coli O157:H7
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Volatile constituents from the leaves of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. and their antibacterial activities.
Year : 2004
Volume : 52
Issue : 4
First Page : 781
Last Page : 787
Authors : Kim YS, Shin DH.
Abstract : Volatile substances of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. were examined for their antibacterial activities against six foodborne microorganisms using the optical densitometer Bioscreen C. Extracts of C. japonica were obtained by simultaneous steam distillation and solvent extraction (SDE), and those extracted for 1.5 and 2.0 h at pH 6.0 strongly inhibited the growth of Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhimurium; the content of the volatile substances of leaves at these pH levels were 543.1 and 706.7 mg/kg, respectively. All foodborne microorganisms tested were strongly inhibited by the addition of >8% (v/v) of the SDE extracts to broth medium. The major volatile components of the SDE extracts obtained at 1.5 h and pH 6.0 were gamma-caryophyllene, 1-octen-3-ol, 2-hexenal, germacrene B, and aromadendrene II, with corresponding peak areas of 44.14, 15.6, 9.86, 5.24, and 4.01%, respectively, and major antibacterial components were 1-octen-3-ol and 2-hexenal. Among the 32 materials identified as volatile flavor components, 2-hexenal, 2,4-hexadienal, 1-octen-3-ol, 2,4-heptadienal, and epiglobulol strongly inhibited microorganism growth. In particular, 2-hexenal (107.52 mg/L) and 1-octen-3-ol (678.64 mg/L) inhibited the growth of most microorganisms tested by >90%.
Antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 assessed as growth inhibition rate at 43.2 mg/l after 72 hr by spectrophotometry
Staphylococcus aureus
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Volatile constituents from the leaves of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. and their antibacterial activities.
Year : 2004
Volume : 52
Issue : 4
First Page : 781
Last Page : 787
Authors : Kim YS, Shin DH.
Abstract : Volatile substances of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. were examined for their antibacterial activities against six foodborne microorganisms using the optical densitometer Bioscreen C. Extracts of C. japonica were obtained by simultaneous steam distillation and solvent extraction (SDE), and those extracted for 1.5 and 2.0 h at pH 6.0 strongly inhibited the growth of Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhimurium; the content of the volatile substances of leaves at these pH levels were 543.1 and 706.7 mg/kg, respectively. All foodborne microorganisms tested were strongly inhibited by the addition of >8% (v/v) of the SDE extracts to broth medium. The major volatile components of the SDE extracts obtained at 1.5 h and pH 6.0 were gamma-caryophyllene, 1-octen-3-ol, 2-hexenal, germacrene B, and aromadendrene II, with corresponding peak areas of 44.14, 15.6, 9.86, 5.24, and 4.01%, respectively, and major antibacterial components were 1-octen-3-ol and 2-hexenal. Among the 32 materials identified as volatile flavor components, 2-hexenal, 2,4-hexadienal, 1-octen-3-ol, 2,4-heptadienal, and epiglobulol strongly inhibited microorganism growth. In particular, 2-hexenal (107.52 mg/L) and 1-octen-3-ol (678.64 mg/L) inhibited the growth of most microorganisms tested by >90%.
Antimicrobial activity against Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19111 assessed as growth inhibition rate at 43.2 mg/l after 72 hr by spectrophotometry
Listeria monocytogenes
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Volatile constituents from the leaves of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. and their antibacterial activities.
Year : 2004
Volume : 52
Issue : 4
First Page : 781
Last Page : 787
Authors : Kim YS, Shin DH.
Abstract : Volatile substances of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. were examined for their antibacterial activities against six foodborne microorganisms using the optical densitometer Bioscreen C. Extracts of C. japonica were obtained by simultaneous steam distillation and solvent extraction (SDE), and those extracted for 1.5 and 2.0 h at pH 6.0 strongly inhibited the growth of Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhimurium; the content of the volatile substances of leaves at these pH levels were 543.1 and 706.7 mg/kg, respectively. All foodborne microorganisms tested were strongly inhibited by the addition of >8% (v/v) of the SDE extracts to broth medium. The major volatile components of the SDE extracts obtained at 1.5 h and pH 6.0 were gamma-caryophyllene, 1-octen-3-ol, 2-hexenal, germacrene B, and aromadendrene II, with corresponding peak areas of 44.14, 15.6, 9.86, 5.24, and 4.01%, respectively, and major antibacterial components were 1-octen-3-ol and 2-hexenal. Among the 32 materials identified as volatile flavor components, 2-hexenal, 2,4-hexadienal, 1-octen-3-ol, 2,4-heptadienal, and epiglobulol strongly inhibited microorganism growth. In particular, 2-hexenal (107.52 mg/L) and 1-octen-3-ol (678.64 mg/L) inhibited the growth of most microorganisms tested by >90%.
Antimicrobial activity against Vibrio parahaemolyticus ATCC 33844 assessed as growth inhibition rate at 43.2 mg/l after 72 hr by spectrophotometry
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Volatile constituents from the leaves of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. and their antibacterial activities.
Year : 2004
Volume : 52
Issue : 4
First Page : 781
Last Page : 787
Authors : Kim YS, Shin DH.
Abstract : Volatile substances of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. were examined for their antibacterial activities against six foodborne microorganisms using the optical densitometer Bioscreen C. Extracts of C. japonica were obtained by simultaneous steam distillation and solvent extraction (SDE), and those extracted for 1.5 and 2.0 h at pH 6.0 strongly inhibited the growth of Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhimurium; the content of the volatile substances of leaves at these pH levels were 543.1 and 706.7 mg/kg, respectively. All foodborne microorganisms tested were strongly inhibited by the addition of >8% (v/v) of the SDE extracts to broth medium. The major volatile components of the SDE extracts obtained at 1.5 h and pH 6.0 were gamma-caryophyllene, 1-octen-3-ol, 2-hexenal, germacrene B, and aromadendrene II, with corresponding peak areas of 44.14, 15.6, 9.86, 5.24, and 4.01%, respectively, and major antibacterial components were 1-octen-3-ol and 2-hexenal. Among the 32 materials identified as volatile flavor components, 2-hexenal, 2,4-hexadienal, 1-octen-3-ol, 2,4-heptadienal, and epiglobulol strongly inhibited microorganism growth. In particular, 2-hexenal (107.52 mg/L) and 1-octen-3-ol (678.64 mg/L) inhibited the growth of most microorganisms tested by >90%.
Antimicrobial activity against Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC 14028 assessed as growth inhibition rate at 43.2 mg/l after 72 hr by spectrophotometry
Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Volatile constituents from the leaves of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. and their antibacterial activities.
Year : 2004
Volume : 52
Issue : 4
First Page : 781
Last Page : 787
Authors : Kim YS, Shin DH.
Abstract : Volatile substances of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. were examined for their antibacterial activities against six foodborne microorganisms using the optical densitometer Bioscreen C. Extracts of C. japonica were obtained by simultaneous steam distillation and solvent extraction (SDE), and those extracted for 1.5 and 2.0 h at pH 6.0 strongly inhibited the growth of Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhimurium; the content of the volatile substances of leaves at these pH levels were 543.1 and 706.7 mg/kg, respectively. All foodborne microorganisms tested were strongly inhibited by the addition of >8% (v/v) of the SDE extracts to broth medium. The major volatile components of the SDE extracts obtained at 1.5 h and pH 6.0 were gamma-caryophyllene, 1-octen-3-ol, 2-hexenal, germacrene B, and aromadendrene II, with corresponding peak areas of 44.14, 15.6, 9.86, 5.24, and 4.01%, respectively, and major antibacterial components were 1-octen-3-ol and 2-hexenal. Among the 32 materials identified as volatile flavor components, 2-hexenal, 2,4-hexadienal, 1-octen-3-ol, 2,4-heptadienal, and epiglobulol strongly inhibited microorganism growth. In particular, 2-hexenal (107.52 mg/L) and 1-octen-3-ol (678.64 mg/L) inhibited the growth of most microorganisms tested by >90%.
Antimicrobial activity against Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778 assessed as growth inhibition rate at 43.2 mg/l after 72 hr by spectrophotometry
Bacillus cereus
Journal : J Agric Food Chem
Title : Volatile constituents from the leaves of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. and their antibacterial activities.
Year : 2004
Volume : 52
Issue : 4
First Page : 781
Last Page : 787
Authors : Kim YS, Shin DH.
Abstract : Volatile substances of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. were examined for their antibacterial activities against six foodborne microorganisms using the optical densitometer Bioscreen C. Extracts of C. japonica were obtained by simultaneous steam distillation and solvent extraction (SDE), and those extracted for 1.5 and 2.0 h at pH 6.0 strongly inhibited the growth of Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhimurium; the content of the volatile substances of leaves at these pH levels were 543.1 and 706.7 mg/kg, respectively. All foodborne microorganisms tested were strongly inhibited by the addition of >8% (v/v) of the SDE extracts to broth medium. The major volatile components of the SDE extracts obtained at 1.5 h and pH 6.0 were gamma-caryophyllene, 1-octen-3-ol, 2-hexenal, germacrene B, and aromadendrene II, with corresponding peak areas of 44.14, 15.6, 9.86, 5.24, and 4.01%, respectively, and major antibacterial components were 1-octen-3-ol and 2-hexenal. Among the 32 materials identified as volatile flavor components, 2-hexenal, 2,4-hexadienal, 1-octen-3-ol, 2,4-heptadienal, and epiglobulol strongly inhibited microorganism growth. In particular, 2-hexenal (107.52 mg/L) and 1-octen-3-ol (678.64 mg/L) inhibited the growth of most microorganisms tested by >90%.