
Smiles c1ccc2c(c1)OCC(C1=NCCN1)O2

Physicochemical Descriptors

Property Name Value
Molecular Formula C11H12N2O2
Molecular Weight 204.23
AlogP 0.83
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor 4.0
Hydrogen Bond Donor 1.0
Number of Rotational Bond 1.0
Polar Surface Area 42.85
Molecular species BASE
Aromatic Rings 1.0
Heavy Atoms 15.0


Mechanism of Action Action Reference
Adrenergic receptor alpha-2 antagonist ANTAGONIST PubMed
Protein: Adrenergic receptor alpha-2

Description: Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor

Organism : Homo sapiens

P08913 ENSG00000150594
Protein: Adrenergic receptor alpha-2

Description: Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor

Organism : Homo sapiens

P18089 ENSG00000274286
Protein: Adrenergic receptor alpha-2

Description: Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor

Organism : Homo sapiens

P18825 ENSG00000184160
Assay Description Organism Bioactivity Reference
Antagonism of rat alpha-2 adrenergic receptor from rat vas deferens None 9.12 nM
In vitro binding affinity at Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor by radioligand binding assay using [3H]prazosin None 403.0 nM
Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor pA2 value against clonidine in vitro experiment in rat vas deferens None 2.754 nM
Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor antagonist activity in a rat vas deferens assay. Values ranges from 8.38-8.64 None 2.291 nM
Antagonist potency towards alpha-2 adrenergic receptor in the rat electrically stimulated vas deferens with reference to P-aminoclonidine None 5.129 nM
Antagonistic activity against alpha-2 adrenergic receptor in rat vas deferens None 9.12 nM
Antagonistic activity against presynaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor in isolated rat vas deferens using xylazine as agonist None 8.511 nM
Evaluated for its presynaptic Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor antagonistic activity against rat vas deferens using clonidine as the control expressed as slope None 11.75 nM
In vitro antagonistic activity against alpha-2 adrenergic receptor in isolated electrically stimulated rat vas deferens (clonidine-induced decrease in twitch height) None 7.762 nM
Binding affinity at human Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor in CHO cells by [3H]rauwolscine (1 nM) displacement. None 19.5 nM
Presynaptic antagonistic activity against alpha-2 adrenergic receptor from rat, isolated, field-stimulated vas deferens, using clonidine as the agonist None 18.62 nM
Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor antagonistic activity in rat vas deferens vs clonidin None 7.762 nM
Binding affinity against alpha-2 adrenergic receptor in rat cerebral cortical membrane, determined using [3H]- yohimbine as the radioligand. None 10.96 nM
Antagonist activity against alpha-1 adrenergic receptor of rat anococcygeus muscle; value ranges from 5.9-6.5 None 691.83 nM
Binding affinity to alpha-2 adrenergic receptor determined by measurement of [3H]yohimbine displacement from rat cortical membrane None 10.96 nM
Binding affinity to the alpha-2 adrenergic receptor of rat cerebral cortex assayed using [3H]idazoxan as radioligand None 7.586 nM
Binding affinity to alpha-2 adrenergic receptor of rat cerebral cortex assayed using [3H]yohimbine as radioligand None 10.96 nM
Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor antagonist activity in a rat anococcygeus. Values ranges from 6.14-6.57 None 269.15 nM
Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor pA2 value against norepinephrine in vitro experiment in rat anococcygeus. None 794.33 nM
Antagonist potency towards alpha-1 adrenergic receptor in the rat electrically stimulated vas deferens with reference to phenylephrine None 501.19 nM
Antagonistic activity against alpha-1 adrenergic receptor in isolated rat anococcygeus muscle None 691.83 nM
In vitro antagonistic activity against alpha-1 adrenergic receptor in isolated electrically stimulated rat vas deferens (methoxamine-induced decrease in twitch height) None 380.19 nM
Presynaptic antagonistic activity against alpha-1 adrenergic receptor from rat, isolated, field-stimulated vas deferens, using methoxamine as the agonist None 794.33 nM
The compound was evaluated for the alpha-1 adrenergic receptor antagonistic activity in rat vas deferens vs methoxamine alpha-1 adrenoceptor antagonism None 380.19 nM
Binding activity against alpha-2 adrenergic receptor from calf cerebral cortex, using [3H]clonidine as the radioligand None 1.5 nM
Binding activity against alpha-1 adrenergic receptor from calf cerebral cortex, using [3H]-prazosin as the radioligand None 500.0 nM
Binding affinity against alpha-1 adrenergic receptor in rat cerebral cortical membrane, determined using [3H]prazosin as the radioligand None 794.33 nM
Binding affinity to alpha-1 adrenergic receptor determined by measurement of [3H]prazosin displacement from rat cortical membrane None 794.33 nM
Binding affinity determined to alpha-1 adrenergic receptor of rat cerebral cortex using [3H]prazosin as radioligand None 794.33 nM
Evaluated for its postsynaptic Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor antagonist activity against dog saphenous vein using norepinephrine as the control expressed as slope Canis lupus familiaris 52.48 nM
Antagonistic activity against adrenergic alpha-2 receptor in longitudinal muscle strip of the guinea pig ileum using l-norepinephrine as agonist Rattus norvegicus 32.36 nM
Antagonistic activity against longitudinal muscle strip of the guinea pig ileum using xylazine as agonist Cavia porcellus 38.9 nM
Binding affinity at human Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor in CHO cells by [3H]rauwolscine (1 nM) displacement. None 8.318 nM
Antagonistic activity against postsynaptic alpha-1 adrenergic receptor in rabbit pulmonary artery using l-norepinephrine as agonist Oryctolagus cuniculus 141.25 nM
Binding affinity at human Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor in CHO cells by [3H]rauwolscine (1 nM) displacement. None 53.7 nM
In vitro inhibition of binding of [3H]-RX-821002 to alpha-2 adrenergic receptor site in rat brain membranes. None 21.0 nM
Ability to displace [3H]-clonidine from alpha-1 adrenergic receptor in rat brain homogenates in vitro None 10.0 nM
Binding affinity against alpha-2 adrenergic receptor was determined by the displacement of [3H]clonidine from rat brain cortical membranes None 10.0 nM
Ability to displace [3H]prazosin from alpha-1 adrenergic receptor in rat brain homogenates in vitro None 261.0 nM
Binding affinity against alpha-1 adrenergic receptor was determined by the displacement of [3H]prazosin from rat brain cortical membranes; value ranges from 221-499 None 332.0 nM
In vitro binding affinity at Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor in rat cortex by radioligand binding assay using [3H]rauwolscine None 1.72 nM
In vitro reversal of inhibitory effect of UK - 14304 on the contractile response of guinea pig ileum to field stimulation. Cavia porcellus 3.981 nM
Ability to reverse inhibitory effects of UK-14304 on the contraction of guinea pig ileum as a measure of alpha-2 adrenergic receptor antagonism. Cavia porcellus 3.981 nM
Binding affinity for imidazoline receptor I-2 in rabbit kidney homogenate (relative to [3H]-Idazoxan radioligand) Oryctolagus cuniculus 7.943 nM
Antagonist potency for alpha 2 adrenoceptor Rattus norvegicus 10.47 nM
Ability to displace [3H]clonidine from alpha-2 adrenergic receptor in rat brain homogenates in vitro None 10.0 nM
In vitro antagonistic activity against alpha-2 adrenergic receptor in isolated electrically stimulated rat vas deferens (clonidine-induced decrease in twitch height) None 7.762 nM
Tested for the alpha-2-adrenoceptor blocking activity by antagonism of clonidine-induced depression of the twitch responses of the field-stimulated prostatic portion of isolated rat vas deferens Rattus norvegicus 9.772 nM
Binding affinity for imidazoline receptor I-1 Homo sapiens 300.0 nM
Displacement of [3H]2-BFI (1 nM) from imidazoline receptor I-2 in human brain Homo sapiens 28.0 nM
Binding affinity for imidazoline receptor I-2 Homo sapiens 10.0 nM
Displacement of [3H]RX821002 from adrenergic alpha2 receptor in human brain frontal cortex Homo sapiens 51.29 nM
Displacement of [3H]MK-912 from adrenergic alpha2A receptor in HT29 cells None 8.0 nM
Displacement of [3H]MK912 from adrenergic alpha-2B receptor expressed in COS7 cells None 100.0 nM
Displacement of [3H]MK912 from adrenergic Alpha-2C receptor in HepG2 cells None 19.0 nM
Displacement of [3H]2-BFI from I2-IBS in human frontal cortex membranes Homo sapiens 37.15 nM
Displacement of [3H]RS79948-197 from human recombinant adrenergic alpha2A receptor expressed in CHO cells Homo sapiens 7.079 nM
Displacement of [3H]RS79948-197 from human recombinant adrenergic alpha2B receptor expressed in CHO cells Homo sapiens 22.91 nM
Displacement of [3H]RS79948-197 from human recombinant adrenergic Alpha-2C receptor expressed in CHO cells Homo sapiens 17.78 nM
Displacement of [125I]PIC from human alpha2 adrenoceptors expressed in CHO cells Homo sapiens 89.0 nM
Displacement of [3H]RX821002 from alpha2 adrenoceptor in human prefrontal cortex neural membrane Homo sapiens 51.29 nM
Displacement of [3H]RX821002 from alpha2 adrenoceptor in human prefrontal cortex neural membrane after 30 mins by liquid scintillation spectrometry Homo sapiens 51.29 nM
Displacement of [3H]RX821002 from alpha2 adrenergic receptor in human brain prefrontal cortex tissue by liquid scintillation spectrometry Homo sapiens 51.29 nM
Displacement of [3H]RX821002 from human Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor expressed in CHO cells after 30 mins by scintillation counting Homo sapiens 17.78 nM
Displacement of [3H]RX821002 from human alpha2B adrenergic receptor expressed in CHO cells after 30 mins by scintillation counting Homo sapiens 22.91 nM
Displacement of [3H]RX821002 from human alpha2A adrenergic receptor expressed in CHO cells after 30 mins by scintillation counting Homo sapiens 7.079 nM
Binding affinity to I2 imidazoline binding site None 4.266 nM
Displacement of [3H]Idazoxan from central-type imidazole receptor 2 imidazoline binding site in Wistar rat cerebral cortex after 30 mins Rattus norvegicus 8.0 nM Displacement of [3H]Idazoxan from central-type imidazole receptor 2 imidazoline binding site in Wistar rat cerebral cortex after 30 mins Rattus norvegicus 12.0 nM
Displacement of [3H]Idazoxan from central-type imidazole receptor 2 imidazoline binding site in Wistar rat cerebral cortex at 10 uM after 30 mins relative to control Rattus norvegicus 11.0 %
Displacement of [3H]2-BFI from I2IR in human brain frontal cortex assessed as binding affinity at high affinity site incubated for 45 mins by liquid scintillation spectrometry Homo sapiens 18.2 nM
Displacement of [3H]2-BFI from I2IR in Sprague-Dawley rat brain cortex incubated for 45 mins by liquid scintillation spectrometry Rattus norvegicus 67.61 nM
Displacement of [3H]2-BFI from imidazoline I2 receptor in post-mortem human brain frontal cortex membrane one site model measured after 30 mins by liquid scintillation counting spectrometry Homo sapiens 38.9 nM
Displacement of [3H]2-BFI from imidazoline I2 receptor high affinity site in post-mortem human brain frontal cortex membrane two site model measured after 30 mins by liquid scintillation counting spectrometry Homo sapiens 13.49 nM
Displacement of [3H]-RX821002 from adrenergic alpha 2 receptor in post-mortem human brain frontal cortex membrane measured after 30 mins by liquid scintillation counting spectrometry Homo sapiens 4.467 nM

Cross References

Resources Reference
ChEBI 5862
DrugBank DB12551
KEGG C10968
PubChem 54459