
Smiles Nc1nc(=O)n([C@@H]2C=C[C@H](CO)O2)cc1F

Physicochemical Descriptors

Property Name Value
Molecular Formula C9H10FN3O3
Molecular Weight 227.19
AlogP -0.59
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor 6.0
Hydrogen Bond Donor 2.0
Number of Rotational Bond 2.0
Polar Surface Area 90.37
Molecular species NEUTRAL
Aromatic Rings 1.0
Heavy Atoms 16.0


Mechanism of Action Action Reference
DNA polymerase/reverse transcriptase inhibitor INHIBITOR PubMed
Targets EC50(nM) IC50(nM) Kd(nM) Ki(nM) Inhibition(%)
Enzyme Hydrolase
140-180 - - - -
Assay Description Organism Bioactivity Reference
Tested in vitro for anticancer activity against CEM cells Homo sapiens 460.0 nM
In vitro inhibitory activity against proliferation of HBV viral cell Hepatitis B virus 8.0 nM
In vitro inhibitory activity against proliferation of HIV viral cell Human immunodeficiency virus 200.0 nM
Tested for effective concentration against HBV treated with drug every 3 days for 9 days using human hepatoblastoma cell line HepG2 2.2.15 Homo sapiens 17.0 nM
Tested for the ability to inhibit HBV DNA synthesis at a concentration of 7 nM using human hepatoblastoma cell line HepG2 2.2.15 Homo sapiens 50.0 %
Tested for the ability to inhibit HBV replication at a concentration of 40 nM using human hepatoblastoma cell line HepG2 2.2.15 Homo sapiens 70.0 %
Compound concentration required to inhibit the viral cell proliferation by 50% against HBV Hepatitis B virus 8.0 nM
Compound concentration required to inhibit the viral cell proliferation by 50% against HIV; Range = 0.1-0.2 Human immunodeficiency virus 100.0 nM
Tested in vitro for anti HIV-1 activity against PBM cells Human immunodeficiency virus 1 34.0 nM
The anti-HIV-1 activity was assayed in activated human peripheral blood mononuclear (PBM) cells, relative to RVT Homo sapiens 67.0 nM
In vitro antiviral activity against HIV-1 Reverse transcriptase M184V mutant None 140.0 nM
In vitro antiviral activity against HIV-1 Reverse transcriptase wild type None 180.0 nM

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Cross References

Resources Reference
DrugBank DB06236
PubChem 469717
ZINC ZINC000000007048